November 18, 2018 Sunday Meeting
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Transcript work by Varda.
Attending (and
spoke): (9)
Anarion, Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Elladan,
Eonwe, Gorlim, Pallando, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Membership news:
(Mostly already done during Before-meeting chat.)
PlanetSide2 review by
General gaming news
Topic: How did JRRT handle
the subject of space? As in where you Eve guys are flying around?
Flashgaming Reviews by
(times are in Central from Varda's Discord, so add one hour for
Eastern. Example: 4pm Central in the transcript is 5pm Eastern)
ArienVYesterday at 3:57 PM
Aiya and evening
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 3:57 PM
ArienVYesterday at 3:58 PM
VardaYesterday at 3:59 PM
: )
Good to see the sun come out!
Meeting time!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:01 PM
aiya Varda!
VardaYesterday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Phar : )
CelebrianYesterday at 4:01 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:01 PM
Aiya Celebrian : )
AnarionYesterday at 4:03 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:03 PM
Aiya Anarion!
ArienVYesterday at 4:04 PM
Aiya Anarion and Aiya Varda and Celebrian!
VardaYesterday at 4:04 PM
You'll have to tell us about PlanetSide2 when you get a chance.
AnarionYesterday at 4:04 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:04 PM
Aiya Celebrian and Anarion!
VardaYesterday at 4:05 PM
There we go. Think everyone's been poked. : )
Hi from Dis who went for a nap after LotRO.
Hi from Eonwe who is working
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Kind of did that a second ago in the Before-meeting, didn't we? : )
Nothing new on the Tolkien Site. Feel free to send something in.
Anarion, would you like to give a review on PlanetSide2?
Not sure if you're in a safe spot to do that.
AnarionYesterday at 4:10 PM
Hrm...Its probably the most popular MMOFPS. Basically there are no
real rounds, and every 3-5 hours (can't quite tell) you move to a
new (large!) map. It has an F2P economy that is largely ok, as long
as you don't care too much about vehicles. I've been enjoying it a
lot over the past few weeks again (I had some 200 hours previously).
Great to play to scratch the FPS itch while listening to podcasts or
I find Planetside 2 is at its best when one faction's zerg (large
groups of random, mostly uncoordinated players) collides with
another faction's zerg. This usually involves lots of armor (20-30
vehicles) when not at a biolab, and as infantry you can sneak up on
them with explosives.
At a biolab, it is massive groups of entrenched infantry duking it
out 80 vs 80.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:13 PM
at its best, or its most fun? :smiley:
AnarionYesterday at 4:14 PM
I think that's the most fun, but a lot of the more organized players
prefer it when the battle is closer to 24v24 capturing territory and
moving forward against even-ish odds
Either way, the amount of players at a battle is largely determined
by interest, and your faction at times will have less people on
So you don't really get to decide the battle size at any give
location, you have to move to where there is more/less interest
So that's Planetside 2 in a nutshell
VardaYesterday at 4:16 PM
Sounds like they need to coordinate flash mobs? : )
AnarionYesterday at 4:17 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:18 PM
Thanks for letting us know. Sounds like fun times with lots of
enjoyable eek. : )
AnarionYesterday at 4:18 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:19 PM
From Eonwe comes a batch of general gaming news, even if he can't be
here to tell us himself.
World of WarCraft (yes people still enjoy playing that):
The Moonkin Festival started Monday.
GorlimYesterday at 4:20 PM
Classic WoW starts early next year
VardaYesterday at 4:20 PM
Aiya Gorlim : ) And thanks.
Should be a bunch of takers for that.
GorlimYesterday at 4:21 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:21 PM
This week's bonus event: Burning Crusade Timewalking.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:21 PM
Gonna plop an undead mage there, probably, to see what horde quests
were like, when I have time to spare.
VardaYesterday at 4:21 PM
The PvP Brawl: Temple of Kotmogu begins today and runs through
November 20th.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:21 PM
Wanted to call him Calthuzad, probably changing it to Calthazar to
be less obvious.
VardaYesterday at 4:21 PM
Sounds like a good idea, especially since you'll probably let us
know what it was like.
WoW's 14th Anniversary began Friday and runs through November 30th.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:22 PM
Oh, if I get anything done at any point I'll surely report it
VardaYesterday at 4:22 PM
Don't miss the new toy!
Thanks : )
World of Warcraft
Celebrate 14 Years of World of Warcraft! - WoW
Celebrate 14 years of World of Warcraft with us!
Log in between now and November 30 to earn the WoW’s 14th
Anniversary achievement, then check your mail for a special
Anniversary Gift Package.
More questions from a Q&A held during Blizzcon has been posted.
World of Warcraft
BlizzCon Q&A Additional Questions - WoW
Here are the BlizzCon Q&A questions that
didn’t make it in time, along with our answers to each.
Any other WoW general news?
Patch 4.7.0 came out this week.
StarCraft II
StarCraft II Official Game Site
Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and
powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from
Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac.
For those interested in the competitive season, check out the final
balance changes for Season 4.
StarCraft II
StarCraft II Official Game Site
Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and
powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from
Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac.
VardaYesterday at 4:25 PM
Eowyn, Fangorn, and Eowyn's little one have been gaming together in
Diablo 3:
ArienVYesterday at 4:25 PM
uh stuck now on the Torment IV achievemnts in Diablo 3 sigh
Hearthside Chat with Dave Kosak: Loa and Lore
Hearthside Chat with Dave Kosak: Loa and Lore
Learn more about King Rastakhan, the Rumble, and
witness the Legendary Loa Bwonsamdi and Rare Spirit of the Dead
cards in action!
Rastakhan's Rumble: Ticket to Greatness Part 2
Rastakhan's Rumble: Ticket to Greatness Part 2
The best thing about the Rumble? Other Rumble
fans! The worst thing about the Rumble? Other Rumble fans!
Find out what happens when Rexxar gets wrecked in
Wronchi Animation’s Ticket to Greatness - Part 2!
Rastakhan’s Rumble: A New Challenger Approaches – Part 1
Rastakhan’s Rumble: A New Challenger Approaches –
Part 1
A fiery young troll approaches Gurubashi Arena to
attend Rastakhan's Rumble. Is he on a collision course with destiny?
Patch came out this week, including the new hero: Ashe.
Overwatch Patch Notes
Read the latest Overwatch patch notes or research
historical changes to the game
GorlimYesterday at 4:28 PM
Ashe? Final Fantasy right?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:29 PM
Oh, for WoW anniversary, also some old worldbosses up, which
drop their old appearances. Farm em to get them if there's anything
you like :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 4:30 PM
Gorlim, guess you can check that web page to see.
Lord of the Rings Online:
GorlimYesterday at 4:30 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:31 PM
Legendary servers Ithil and Anor can now have character transfers
between them. Character transfers cannot be made between regular
servers and Legendary servers because of the differences in type.
ArienVYesterday at 4:32 PM
oh cool
VardaYesterday at 4:32 PM
That Overwatch link above, Gorlim, shows her picture.
CelebrianYesterday at 4:32 PM
Final Fantasy announced a new expansion.
GorlimYesterday at 4:32 PM
oh ok.. btw which legendary server are we on? [Note: LotRO]
ArienVYesterday at 4:33 PM
Frali is on Ithil
I am not sure whether we have a guild branch there yet
VardaYesterday at 4:34 PM
Yes, Arien, we do. [Note: We have full branches of the guild on
LotRO in Landroval, Anor, and Ithil servers.]
Falco is there right now, might ask him for an invite.
ArienVYesterday at 4:34 PM
CelebrianYesterday at 4:34 PM
I can never get on Anor when I try. Since I am limited in time, I
will just focus on the main branch.
VardaYesterday at 4:34 PM
try /who valar guild 1 50
Ithil is easy to get into, reason we started it up.
GorlimYesterday at 4:35 PM
ok. ill probably make a high elf and start on Ithil
VardaYesterday at 4:35 PM
Anor takes a long time of waiting.
Good plan, Gorlim
Also, Ancalagon has been showing up a lot on our Landroval branch. :
GorlimYesterday at 4:35 PM
either a hunter again or lm
on ithil?
VardaYesterday at 4:36 PM
Ithil is easy to get into, no line. Falco is there right now and can
Be sure to type /joinchannel Valar
GorlimYesterday at 4:36 PM
what do we need ? hunter or LM?
VardaYesterday at 4:37 PM
Whatever you most enjoy playing. We have hunters though.
GorlimYesterday at 4:37 PM
i havent figured out what a he is good for
VardaYesterday at 4:38 PM
We are taking a vote on where to put the early kin house on each
GorlimYesterday at 4:38 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:38 PM
GorlimYesterday at 4:38 PM
hmm ok i can do that
VardaYesterday at 4:38 PM
Also almost everyone on legendary servers make high elves instead of
regular elves.
Dis warns that they have to be traited right or she finds high elves
squishy, needing her minstrel heals.
GorlimYesterday at 4:39 PM
i need to have an alternative to painting.. i have about 25 trolls
to paint
VardaYesterday at 4:39 PM
Go for it!
And enjoy the new areas in Landroval too.
Get to level 120 for fun and profit?
GorlimYesterday at 4:40 PM
i was thinking of hunter for the HE for the rez
but captain is worth a try
VardaYesterday at 4:40 PM
Hunter is just peachy : )
Much fun!
Update 23.1.5 Release Notes
Update 23.1.5 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 23.1.5,
released on Thursday, November 15th.
News and Notes:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:41 PM
Squishy high elves, reminds me of Morrowind. Most races just
have strengths over the default, but high elves have extremely high
mana pools at a cost of being weak and fragile to practically
everything. It's really for the glass cannon lovers
VardaYesterday at 4:42 PM
These high elves traited right can be at least ceramic, not so
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:42 PM
VardaYesterday at 4:43 PM
Aiya Pallando!
If you're not driving or other ghastly stuff, do you have time to
tell us a bit about what's happening in Eve Online?
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:43 PM
I am not! Just standing down from a fleet and sorting logistics.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:44 PM
Administrative work, eh.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:44 PM
I have a nice hot war that is getting very exciting. We got smacked
around a little yesterday, but nothing too severe, and it was a
matter of inches.
We fully intend to come back.
The first battle is lost but the war has just begun, etc, etc.
AnarionYesterday at 4:45 PM
War between major factions, or names I wouldn't know?
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:45 PM
Oh, just some nobodies in a dead part of space.
Who even knows where Molden Heath is?
AnarionYesterday at 4:45 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 4:46 PM
Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning?
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:46 PM
More like dead alley in the back of town, hidden behind 3 rusted out
gates and under some somewhat smelly rocks.
CelebrianYesterday at 4:46 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:47 PM
In wider news, a new patch hit Tuesday, introducing two new
Triglavian ships, the Kikimora and the Drekavic, a destroyer and
It also introduced abyssal pvp, which works like the thunderdome --
two ships enter, one ships leaves. Or, if neitther dies in 30
minutes, no ships leave.
I had some great fun the first few days in there, before hitting a
run of bad luck.
CelebrianYesterday at 4:48 PM
I went on my first Supercarrier fleet today with my shiny new Aeon
that Elrond bought me for Christmas.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:49 PM
Your first super fleet!
(I have never been on one, despite being a perfect Hel pilot)
VardaYesterday at 4:49 PM
And cool that Elrond bought it for you. : )
CelebrianYesterday at 4:50 PM
I have a Carrier but I didnt have quite enough for a Super so he
bought it for me.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:50 PM
But I made some great kills before losing:
Muninn | Peyton Achibolt | Killmail
Peyton Achibolt (Peyton Achibolt Corporation)
lost their Muninn in Pney (Naqer) Total Value: 1,800,549,824.72 ISK
Gila | Jommis | Killmail
Jommis (Krazee Eyez Killah) lost their Gila in
Punapr (Ora) Total Value: 2,211,533,565.84 ISK
CelebrianYesterday at 4:50 PM
He bought me a dreadnaught too.
VardaYesterday at 4:50 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:50 PM
I'm down about ~1b if I can get this abyssal mod to sell.
CelebrianYesterday at 4:50 PM
Somehow I dont think I can talk him into buying my Titan.
VardaYesterday at 4:50 PM
Thanks for the pics
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:51 PM
I was going to go back in this weekend, but the war really kept me
busy yesterday and then logistics for it today.
AnarionYesterday at 4:51 PM
Good grief, a 2B ISK ship....That's orders of magnitude more than
I've ever thought about flying
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:51 PM
My default ship selection these days are 800m cruisers. :p
AnarionYesterday at 4:52 PM
are those the strategic cruisers?
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:52 PM
HACs and the triglav ship
I don't really like t3cs for solo/small
AnarionYesterday at 4:52 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 4:52 PM
This was my fit in abyssal space:
Vedmak | Debes Sparre | Killmail
Debes Sparre (Gradient) lost their Vedmak in
Fxhyv (Wbanguna). Final Blow by Flame-Hair Shana (Setcreasea Pallida
Corporation) flying in a Vedmak. Total Value: 1,768,202,673.96 ISK
I think I'm going to try a dual ERS setup next time.
Also going to try a single-rep deimos that I saw lots of folks
getting milage out of.
There were also some new structures for nullsec, now finally
rendering POS basically useless except as very temporary forward
staging outposts.
but who cares about sov null, amirite guys?
I mean oh hi.
ArienVYesterday at 4:58 PM
aiya :smiley:
AnarionYesterday at 4:58 PM
Do the new structures also obsolete the economic purposes of POSes?
VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
(Oh cool. Just saw a player named Morinehtar. : ) )
GorlimYesterday at 5:00 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:00 PM
that was obsoleted ages ago
VardaYesterday at 5:00 PM
Alatar-Valar used to play as Morinehtar, your fellow Blue Wizard.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:01 PM
GorlimYesterday at 5:01 PM
can you use the same names as on the main servers?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:01 PM
You sure it's not the same person? :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 5:02 PM
You can, yes.
I sent him a tell [Note: different player, but rp'd and was nice.]
I grabbed as many of my names from the main server as possible level
1 for both legendaries.
Currently using Timbridhil on Anor server, proof it works. : )
Fainan is on both legendaries.
Oh ho! Eonwe!
ArienVYesterday at 5:07 PM
Aiya Eonwe!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:08 PM
Aiya Eonwe!
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:08 PM
Heya all.
How goes it?
GorlimYesterday at 5:08 PM
yay! got a name that I couldnt get on the main servers
VardaYesterday at 5:08 PM
What's your name?
We are having more fun than we deserver, Eonwe. : )
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:09 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:10 PM
Since we're over the hour, how about a quick Tolkien topic? : )
How did JRRT handle the subject of space? As in where you Eve guys
are flying around?
Remember the Void?
And the ships of the stars?
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:13 PM
It's been a while since I dug into this subject, but as I recall the
Void wouldn't be space, it would be beyond the limits of Ea.
Ekkaia, the Outer Sea surrounding Arda, would be space.
VardaYesterday at 5:15 PM
Also called Vai?
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:15 PM
or "Space" to differentiate it from the distance between my face and
the keyboard, lol :}
VardaYesterday at 5:15 PM
I had to mention Eve to get it to sound right. : )
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:16 PM
There were three distinct "airs" as Tolkien calls them:
If I can find them or remember them, heh.
Forgive me, I'm going to grab my Atlas for quicker reference.
VardaYesterday at 5:18 PM
You're getting way into it. Please feel free.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:19 PM
OK, official reference note: Atlas of Middle Earth , Revised
Edition, by Karen Wynn Fonstad, copyright 1991.
Vista: the Inner Air, equivalent to the
planet's atmosphere.
Ilmen, the Middle Air.
the equivalent escapes me for a flat Arda, but if we were talking
about the later versions in HoME, I'd say that'd be equivlaent to
the realm of the Solar system.
(my conjecture based on memory, don't hold me to it)
Then Vaiya aka Ekkaia, the Encircling Seas, which would be space.
VardaYesterday at 5:23 PM
The flat Arda floated in the sea of Ulmo that was incredibly thin
GorlimYesterday at 5:24 PM
sigh.. Morwena is taken
VardaYesterday at 5:25 PM
Maybe you can grab it on Anor.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:25 PM
OK, here we go, flipping back to my Sil...
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:25 PM
Phew. Okay. Sorry. Was in a hectic mythic expedition for my 7th
But we made it :smile:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:26 PM
Ilmen: "The region above the air where the stars are" so whether or
not that is Space is going to depend on the cosmological model we
look at.
VardaYesterday at 5:26 PM
Stars are kind of a clue.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:27 PM
I used to have stars on my ceiling, very space-y :wink:
VardaYesterday at 5:28 PM
Tried looking up Ekkaia, the first mention in the Silmarillion, has
some good stuff.
Nice, Phar. : )
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:28 PM
Well, in a model where the sun and moon circle Arda and not the
other way it's harder to be sure those pinpoints of light aren't
mere thousdands of miles and not millions of light years :}
*not the other way around for the Sun
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:29 PM
Then we moved, alas. Couldn't take ceiling with me. But I think the
outline we took them from might still be hanging on the side of a..
cupboard..closet..thingy in my room.
VardaYesterday at 5:30 PM
Maybe you could make an all new star ceiling? Even better?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:30 PM
That's your expertise :wink:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:31 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:31 PM
The stars are... right there. To a Valie.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:31 PM
Anyway, I think I remember reading in one of the Science of
Discworld books that if the stars are going around the Earth/Arda,
they can't be that far away.
Or they'd be going at impossible speeds.
Like... multitudes of the speed of light.
VardaYesterday at 5:31 PM
Impossible to a horse.
GorlimYesterday at 5:33 PM
odd.. it doesnt have 11 yr frames
VardaYesterday at 5:34 PM
My Sil index seems to be not so good after that, for a batch of
"Of the Sun and Moon" has them in the Ilmen
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:35 PM
Sil page 37: Ekkaia "encircling the
Kingdom of Arda. How wide ... none know but the Valar; and beyond it
are the Walls of the Night."
Beyond the Walls of the Night is the Void, where Morgoth was cast.
In the later cosmological model "Kingdom of Arda" would be the Solar
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:36 PM
You know, an alternative to everything turning around Arda, would be
Arda - still in the center - being the only thing turning.
If that's the case, stuff can be as far away as it likes.
VardaYesterday at 5:37 PM
" Anar the waters of the Outer Sea were made
hot and glowed with coloured fire"
p 116 for me
When Morgoth sent his spirits of Shadow against
Tilion, there was strife in Ilmen beneath the paths of the stars"
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:39 PM
In the one the Sil uses, Aman's west shores "looked upon the Outer
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:39 PM
Ahh, before people figured out water could reflect the setting sun.
Good times.
VardaYesterday at 5:40 PM
Could be the dawn?
Although that was also Elwing. [Note: it was a passing thought,
reflection sounds correct.]
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:40 PM
Or that.
I'm just commenting on the water being made hot and glowing :wink:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:41 PM
Random thought: If the Valar did make the planet flat at the
beginning, it quite likely would've taken an act of Eru to make it a
globe and not wipe out all life while doing so. Makes you wonder
what the end of the Second Age felt like to an observer not in
Numenor aka ground zero.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:42 PM
Also, what was on the other side? The Great A'Tun?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:42 PM
Possibly the flat Arda would only have been one half of the earth. I
remember a piece about new continents appearing on the other side.
So it might have been a bit less jarring.
VardaYesterday at 5:42 PM
Turtles all the way down.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:42 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:43 PM
Arda was supposed to be a ship that floated in Ulmo's sea. Vai, I
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:43 PM
Yep, I think one of the earlier History books has a sketch of Arda
as a boat.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:43 PM
I just considered if you could, if you tried really quite very hard,
somehow get Discworld and LotR to work together, but I think not..
Too much history for both.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:43 PM
Aye, BoLT.
VardaYesterday at 5:44 PM
Going to have to get out of Sil for this, aye.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:44 PM
Discworld could've been Arda remade... but I doubt it.
It'd have the Elves escaping to a parasite dimension and turning
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:44 PM
Death there might actually be friendlier than Mandos.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:45 PM
He certainly grinned more.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:45 PM
Mandos isn't a bad guy, but when you always know what you're getting
for Christmas,... :}
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:46 PM
I didn't say he was a bad guy. Just not very friendly. :wink:
VardaYesterday at 5:46 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:46 PM
That grouchy neighbour with a heart of gold.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:46 PM
Not the sort of guy you go down to the pub and have a few beers
with, you know? Now, Tulkas..
ArienVYesterday at 5:46 PM
uh kind of didnt really want that when you got to look after the
baddies in life :)?
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:47 PM
I can see Tulkas singing in bars and organizing arm wrestling
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:47 PM
..I thought that's what he did?
VardaYesterday at 5:48 PM
The happy warrior : )
ElladanYesterday at 5:48 PM
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:48 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:48 PM
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:48 PM
Heya :}
ElladanYesterday at 5:48 PM
Sundays are a busy night for me. I volunteer every Sunday. :smiley:
VardaYesterday at 5:48 PM
Aiya Elladann : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:49 PM
I volunteer every sunday to join the meeting nods
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
Thanks for that!
ArienVYesterday at 5:49 PM
aiya Elladan! :smiley:
ElladanYesterday at 5:49 PM
I would if I could, but I am not home
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
You are here now : )
ElladanYesterday at 5:49 PM
I miss you guys! :heart:
VardaYesterday at 5:49 PM
Meeting is still going. Talking about space in JRRT's mythology
ElladanYesterday at 5:50 PM
VardaYesterday at 5:50 PM
As in where the stars and such-like hang out.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:50 PM
And also which Vala make good drinking buddies.
Speaking of which, I think it's blueberry flapjack mead time..
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:51 PM
Good place to note that some of the last Histories have an attempt
to adjust the cosmology to something approaching what we know about
the solar system.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:51 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:51 PM
Turning the moon into a ball of rock which... might have been a
fortress of Morgoth?
ElladanYesterday at 5:51 PM
I made a blueberry wheat ale once.
Knocked both me and my drummer on our butts
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:52 PM
It was a rather drastic change, though. Probably never meant to be
fully completed, even had Tolkien lived 10 years longer.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:53 PM
Well, explaining it as tales from Elves misunderstood by
Numenoreans/later Men helps.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:54 PM
The telephone game explains plenty away. :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:54 PM
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:55 PM
The Noldor would've learned pretty quickly about the material world.
They're too hungry for/interested in knowledge to not know how it
really works for long.
As I recall, that was one of Tolkien's points.
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:55 PM
Tolkien was mum on the rest of the cosmos, right? Very Arda-centric
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:55 PM
Though I think he spoke about Elves in general.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:55 PM
Just Varda tossing out some stars of Aule's making, as I recall.
Though there was stuff later on about dark places and other
projects, where Ungoliant might have come from.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:56 PM
The Elves' focus was generally Arda-centric.
VardaYesterday at 5:56 PM
The sparks made a nice butterfly constellation
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:57 PM
Even if the Elves did progress technology to space travel, I imagine
most wouldn't go beyond the solar system if they could.
*even if
VardaYesterday at 5:57 PM
Elves were tied to Arda
Pallando-ValarYesterday at 5:57 PM
I think the Elves were quite bound to Arda in a soul-bound sort of
ElladanYesterday at 5:57 PM
I can attest to the elves :stuck_out_tongue:
VardaYesterday at 5:57 PM
Humans could go beyond.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:58 PM
Souls can go back to Arda even if they're on Pluto :}
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 5:58 PM
I hope they can travel fast, then.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 5:59 PM
different layer of Reality.
different rules. Look at the Valar, who are spirits who choose a
physical form.
ElladanYesterday at 6:00 PM
VardaYesterday at 6:01 PM
Even stars had different stories that JRRT went through.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 6:01 PM
VardaYesterday at 6:01 PM
In the very early story, "The Coming
of the Elves", Morwinyon was a star accidentally dropped by Varda
as she hastened back to Valinor, inspired to make more stars by
Aule's accidental making of the Seven Stars/Valacirca at her news
of the coming of the Eldar, so she carried perhaps overmuch of the
radiance of Telimpe from Aule's basin/bason. This left Morwinyon
unmoving, blazing low in the west. Movement for it had to come at
a later time after being refound. The story of Valacirca was
changed several times, leaving Morwinyon's story a bit lost.
In "The Tale of the Sun and the Moon", we have
another reason why Morwinyon held still in the western sky.
Instead of one of the stars that travelled in ships manned by the
spirits of the Manir and Suruli, Morwinyon may be one of those
that was a lamp, since it is in the same paragraph. These lamps
were translucent, set in Ilwe or the edge of Vilna and
Middle-earth's breathable air. They flickered and waned in
the upper winds.
(That's from an article on our site under Stars,
by some Varda person.)
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:02 PM
She sounds like a fascinating person.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 6:02 PM
Maybe one day she'll come to a meeting and we can say hi :}
VardaYesterday at 6:02 PM
Have to be careful not to drop things.
It's two hours since we started. Maybe it's time to move to
After-meeting so Europe can rest. : )
the hammers ring on the hammerpad
together they fling sparks of many colors
Free chat!
Continue if you like, or on to any topic of your choice. : )
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:08 PM
Still working on world quests - between expeditions,
timewalks, world quests and anniversary bosses, it's been a very
busy week for wow
After that I'll give my report, or maybe as I travel :smiley:
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 6:15 PM
I'm down to one more task for the D3 Destroyer line for the season,
then we'll see what impossible task it takes to get the free
inventory space.
VardaYesterday at 6:15 PM
Inventory, the Epic Struggle
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 6:17 PM
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 6:25 PM
Yeah, I tried that once, in one of the earliest seasons, but it's
just too much grinding unless it's the only game I play. So I settle
for chapter 4 each time.
Eonwe ValarYesterday at 6:26 PM
I managed to get past the class set dungeon so I figured I'd see how
far I can go.
Doubt I'll do it again, but I figured why not this time.
Ok, time for me to be off. Take care all, good night, sleep well,
and have fun :}
VardaYesterday at 6:29 PM
Have to go feed this crowd at Taniquetil. : )
See you all again! Eru willing. : )
It's /joinchannel Valar
ArienVYesterday at 6:37 PM
i am grinding for the torment 4 achievements now .. still got 6 left
including the Greater Rift .. sigh
on D3 .. i ve got the crafting stuff and the Rift
and Roll but still need the bosses and the great Rift
Namarie for now :smiley:
ElladanYesterday at 6:44 PM
I heard people were anticipating D4
Namarie, everyone!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:11 PM
Personal gaming report!
I've got 3 flashgames to start with,
barely.. from one of them I've not quite figured out what it's about
is the first game! You've got a balloon that you have to guide
through a maze of spikes and fans, by using a fan for a mouse cursor
which you can move around the screen and click to turn. Collect all
the... stars? flowers? yellow crosses, to complete the level.
If you die/pop, you respawn at the start, with unlimited lives, but
the ones you've collected stay collected, so it's not that bad.
Helium -
Later levels introduce more mechanics.
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 7:25 PM
is a game where you have to move across rooms by using your map and
moving in an alternative direction on the map to pass obstacles. It
seems to be just a small demo, but there might be more to come.
Perspectives -
is the last one! All I know is that you're growing and breeding
animatronics, and I got infected by a zombie or something... but
other than that, feel free to find out :smiley:
Vilmonic -
blizzard gaming!
All classes to level 56! Onward to 57, with new golden cards to
unlock. Interesting brawl, build a deck to use, each player gets 2
turns in a row. I'm not very good at deck building myself so stole a
cheap Priest deck from the internet focusing on using spells and
magnetic upgrades to create a 15/15 windfury robot and one-shot the
enemy in the next turn. But all that wasn't necessary, because the
in the one match I played, I faced pretty much the same priest-deck,
and after he played his framebot too early and I took it out with a
nice 2-turn spell combination, he conceded :wink:
I guess my opponent understood the deck even less than I did.
Heroes of the Storm:
level 314 (pi!) reached, by reaching level 7 with Dehaka. Fun brawl,
a cooperative one where you have to make your way through masses of
zerg and mutated zerg heroes. Normal difficulty is pretty easy, but
I assume we're getting hard difficulty next week if it's the same as
last time, and that's much tougher, needing good heroes and teamwork
to pull it off.
For my part, in each of the 3 games I snagged a hero and spec I've
wanted to try it with: splash/mobile siege Sergeant Hammer, a
hatred/attackspeed specced Valla, and an Inspiration specced
Kharazim. They all worked quite well, and the team won all 3
matches, though Hammer was a bit too slow and fragile for the last
boss. On hard I might give one of the other heroes another go to see
if they're good enough. Kharazim was the fastest, as we got it under
8 minutes (gold medal!) but the rest of the team was doing very well
as well, so I can't say if he's better than Valla.
Still farming Uldir. Had a bit of bad luck with Zul and Mythrax, so
we're at 7/8 right now. We'll tackle G'huun on tuesday, hopefully.
For my part, I got a few gearpieces I'd been waiting for from the 2
bosses, and now feel pretty much as geared as I will be without us
going for Mythic. Which we won't, as we don't have the people for
Expeditions went well! This week included - among 3 islands - the
Rotting Mire, which was the last mythic victory achievement I needed
to get all 7. Kept getting the other 2, though, and only managed to
beat the Mire during tonight's meeting. Still, it's done, so I can
now leave mythic a bit until I gear up more in the next patch, and
if I want to do expeditions, focus on farming normal ones for drops
According to a blizzard interview, chances for reward drops are
higher on higher difficulties, but mythic is hard enough just
focusing on winning through azerite nodes and elementals, while
invasions for rewards only show up at the last moment; all things
that are very bad for lootdrops.
So all things considered... normal should be smoother, faster, and
ultimately more rewarding. Still! I did get a few rewards from the
mythic ones, including a transmog staff and a new toy, turning me
into a skeletal hozen. Very nice!
Weekly this week is timewalks, burning crusade-themed. I need one
more run, which I'll do tomorrow. Just one of the things that have
kept me busy this week.
I made another tour of the Arathi warfront area, after we conquered
it for the alliance. Finished all 6 quests from Boralus, and killed
all the rares. I don't know if the 6 quests come around every cycle,
but the rewards are useful, including war resources and reputation.
From the rares, I got 2 more toys, a magic fun rock to throw and a
stone face to wear on your head, as well as my first mount from that
place: the swift albino raptor. Looks a bit silly, but still nice!
Did the pvp brawl as well this week, Kotmogu battleground with the
ability to toss orbs to your teammates (which was never actually
done, as far as I could tell) and fast, 5-second resurrections after
death. That last one made it all quite hectic, but fun.
(oh, going back to the raidgear, I've now completed the achievement
for a full raid appearance set!)
Then there's the anniversary, with bosses to fight every day for old
missing classic appearances!
For the anniversary itself, I've been logging a few alts every day
to get their achievements. I'm also using the anniversary token to
get increased reputation from world quests, quite useful.
Oh, and I also bought the new toy, Corgi goggles, or Corggles as I
like to call them!
The bosses, however... are keeping me busy. I've got 3 characters
I'm killing them with, giving personal-loot access to most of the
appearances I'm missing on my main. Only a dagger is the exception,
because my rogue's a bit too low. But with druid, warrior and demon
hunter I've been hunting the bosses.
I have, however, now gotten all the loot I wanted from Azuregos (a
fist weapon with the demon hunter) and Kazzak (a mace with the
warrior), so that just leaves the green dragon to kill every day
with all 3. Which dragon is up is on rotation, but I'm after loot
that can drop from all 4 of them as well, so that doesn't matter
much for my schedule.
Aaaand finally there's world quests! Many world quests. Still doing
all the new ones on Kul Tiras, which is really thinning out now.
Only had to do 7 of them there tonight. I can't imagine there'll be
many normal WQs I've not seen yet, but quests for rare mobs might be
a lot more. So no idea how close I am to done, but they are thinning
I've also done all pet world quests but one, which is somewhere in
Drustvar and I'm sure will show up eventually. But the achievement
for the laser pointer toy only required 20 out of 24, so I
have that now. Not as spectacular as it sounds, but I guess it works
if you want to guide a pet to a certain location for some reason.
And world quests have also been quite good to me for Champion of
Azeroth reputation, which I got from neutral to friendly to honored!
Which meant 2x 15 ilevels extra for my necklace, which itself has
leveled to 29 now (enough to completely unlock a heroic ilevel
chestpiece), and is now sitting on an ilevel of 366. Bringing my
total in either spec to 370 ilevel, making me truly heroic geared
Next week, if time permits, I'll complete a couple of isolated
quests in Drustvar I'd discovered while doing world quests, and
hopefully make a start on the Jaina questline. It's really tempting
me, but event stuff comes first :wink:
And that's it for my report!
Ar-Pharazon-VYesterday at 8:19 PM