March 4, 2018 Sunday Meeting
Discord: Valar
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Transcript work by Varda.
Attending: (6)
Discord: Aranuir, Arien, Ar-Pharazôn, Fladrif, Pallando, Varda (presiding)
LotRO: Aranuir, Oromë, and Varda
Meeting begins
Also see Oromë, Melkor, and Eöl under Gaming.
General gaming report
Topic: What are the main plot-changing points, as in changing the plan, for the good or evil side, in the LotR? See how many we can think of.
Flashgaming Reviews by
(times are in Central from Varda, so add one hour for Eastern)
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aiya Phar :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Don't see Arien on yet
Pallando-Valar - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aiya Pallando
Egad! Grats for being so fast. :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Aiya, heroic vault, so half-afk a bit
Arien poked
Varda - 03/04/2018
Mostly just crafting in LotRO
Thanks for calling in Arien :smiley:
ArienV - 03/04/2018
Aiya :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
np :wink:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aiya Sunshine :smiley:
ArienV - 03/04/2018
Aiya Orome, Varda and Phari :smiley: and the rest of the lurkers in the background
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
In Discord, we have Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Pallando, and Varda (actually speaking)
In LotRO, we have Aranuir, Orome, and Varda
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Hi to everybody from Orome who doesn't have Discord
Hi from Fangorn and Sauron at my house. :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Aiya to all 3!
Still using the other computer for webwork. I'll get it all worked out eventually. :smiley:
Eonwe emailed and said he has the Gaming news up for us. :smiley:
Passing the LotRO news to the guys in LotRO.
Please note for the WoW folk there is a Tuesday as well as Sunday news item.
Any additional info from anyone for general gaming?
LotRO is finishing up on the Yule festival encore. Hobnangians is going.
LotRO Valarites seen this past week in kin:
StarCraft 2:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
and back
Varda - 03/04/2018
Any others you've seen in-game in the past week?
Aiyata :smiley:
ArienV - 03/04/2018
welcome back :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Fladrif just got online :smiley:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aiya to Fladrif!
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
In Hearthstone, to no surprise!
ArienV - 03/04/2018
Aiya to Fladrif!
Varda - 03/04/2018
Very good
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Aiya returned!
FladrifV - 03/04/2018
and here Aiya :smiley:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Fladrif! Aiya :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Aiya :smile:
Varda - 03/04/2018
We're happy also to welcome back Orome, who now has a new computer and downloaded LotRO.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
He says the family is still gaming with Melkor, so the Melkorrim many generation group is still alive and well.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Oh, one more member thing.
Noticed a shoutout on the valarguild forum by an Eol. Did you see it?
In the shoutbox.
Varda - 03/04/2018
o fantastic! Been a long time. Nope, I'll go look, thanks!
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
nods you might want to respond if it's one you remember :smiley:
Varda - 03/04/2018
That's our old Eol from Diablo days. :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Figured, yes. Before my time :wink:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Now he's back in your time.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
aiya! ,y headset is re-charging but I am here
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aiya Aranuir! No problem, we're typing in the meeting anyway.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
ok cool
Varda - 03/04/2018
Thanks, sent Eol a pm so he can join us in Discord whenever.
Any further news, suggestions, comments, razberries, etc?
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
organize AoM raids? Not sure if that's been mentioned [Note: LotRO: Abyss of Mordath]
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Hmm. I think the new year announcement for Hearthstone was this week, but not on the gaming site.
Varda - 03/04/2018
Need a lot of people for that. But we are working on such runs with Mosby and the kin Irony & Spite.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Year of the Mammoth is out, Year of the Raven is in, glimpses of new
expansions, ranked system revamp which started this month already,
quests getting easier with next expansion...
and other stuff I've forgotten to mention :wink:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aye, don't see it there, thanks.
An AoM raid is scheduled for tonight
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
nice, is there a sign-up or is it first come?
Varda - 03/04/2018
Friday March 2 and Sunday March 4
Invites at 7:45. Start time 8 EST. End 10:30.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
that'll be a lot of fun
Varda - 03/04/2018
We need to be sure to be there bright and early all tricked out, and try to get in.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
i can just join the channel? or do I need to ask?
Varda - 03/04/2018
I would ask before joining. I got pulled into it, heh
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
ok, who do I send a tell to? Mosby?
Varda - 03/04/2018
He's not really in their kin, but you can do that. He's in WoW at the moment but yay Discord. :smiley:
If you’d like to come along please be
available and ready in the event we have a spot. Doomfold Wound and
Fear pots are a must. As always please check the stat requirements in
the reference channel. They are necessary as well.
I'm asking Justee about you
She says sure
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
I'm sending you the invite
Say something there so Justee knows it worked
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
I STILL HAVE THE CHANNEL I just hanevt gone back...sorry caps
Varda - 03/04/2018
Don't use caps there, but do pop in by clicking the icon on your left. Feel free to return after. :smiley:
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
its not on prupose I am a terrible typist
Varda - 03/04/2018
Just type something there. :smiley: I know, hehe
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
amd my key board has a large caps lock button
Varda - 03/04/2018
Let her know you're there. :smiley:
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Not seeing your typing anywhere, but good luck.
If there is no further business?
Feel free to let us know if you have a link, Tolkien Moment, question, or discussion topic. Otherwise, I have one for you.
Here you go!
What are the main plot-changing points , as in changing the plan, for the good or evil side, in the LotR? See how many we can think of.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
For an early one, Gandalf was supposed to join Frodo in the Shire for his departure, but got delayed by Saruman instead.
Varda - 03/04/2018
Good one
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
when pippin looked into the palantir....that was a bit of a spanner in the cogs
gandalf had to leave with pippin and was separated from the rest of the partry
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Wanting to go over the mountain, and having to go under it.
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
Aragorn leaving the four hobbits alone on weathertop
had he been there they would never have lit a fire
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Getting to Rivendell and finding out it's not the end of the journey :smiley:
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
good one
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
All the events at Amon Hen. Boromir dying, hobbits getting hobbitnapped, Sam and Frodo going further alone.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
and aragonr not going after sam and frodo
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Varda - 03/04/2018
Lot of good ones there. :smiley:
Sam sticking Shelob and taking back Frodo, having the Ring on him instead of Frodo.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
i always thought that celeborn and galadriel NOT getting invol;ved once
they found out gandalf was gone, a mistake. they waited too long IMO
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
once gandalf was out of the game they should have mobilized their people\
Varda - 03/04/2018
They were busy repelling three attacks against Lorien, and wound up attacking Dol Guldur with Thranduil in a pincer attak.
That kept the elves busy.
Dwarves were busy defending the pass that would have had Smaug in it, upsetting the plans of the baddies.
and worked with the local humans.
Aranuir - 03/04/2018
smaug was still alive?
ArienV - 03/04/2018
no after the ring got onto the road to Mordor
Varda - 03/04/2018
Smaug was killed off in the Hobbit. That meant the pass was then controlled by dwarves and humans, as Gandalf hoped.
ArienV - 03/04/2018
I know that the Books only focusses on the party and events in Rohan but in the appendix it is mentioned that war touched the north around Erebor and Mirkwood
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Ringwraiths thought they'd get an easy Ring-find in the Shire. By the
time they'd gone up and down the Anduin and actually in Hobbiton, Frodo
had already left.
Varda - 03/04/2018
In a discussion in the LotR,
Gandalf said if the Northern pass had still had Smaug and been
undefended, there would be no Queen in Gondor. The elflands would have
been overrun
Bilbo did a lot. :smiley:
Any further mentions? I know there are a ton of these plot twists.
Feel free to comment more on the subject in After-meeting. Aranuir had
to go to dinner and I have to go cook for guests and be back here soon.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Saruman was not happy when Gandalf escaped his tower, I imagine.
Varda - 03/04/2018
hammer takes a twisty turning path to the hammerpad
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Nor when a couple of hobbits set a walking forest on his tower.
Varda - 03/04/2018
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Alright, good luck with the cooking!
Varda - 03/04/2018
Aye. And the ents letting Saruman go after a while was a turn.
Thank you. :smiley:
ArienV - 03/04/2018
Enjoy :smiley:
well I have to go I fear ... It is time for the sun to go down .. err up :smiley:
it has been a harsh week
Namarie all :smiley:
Varda - 03/04/2018
Namarie Arien :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Pallando-Valar - 03/04/2018
Whoops, missed her, but when you're back on, @ArienV Pinnacle Federation. (re: killing your alliance, last week) [Note: Eve Online]
Varda - 03/04/2018
Nice thing about text, it leaves a message for later.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Yep, one advantage of Discord I guess :smiley:
Right, gaming report!
3 flashgames coming up!
is the first! Arcade game, fire ricocheting balls into horde of
advancing zombies, collecting even more balls as you go, try to see how
far you get before the zombies reach you.
is the second game! Pretty sure I linked the first one before too.
Deliver construction materials all over the city, hire trucks, make
profit, earn medals for the profit you get in a time-limit, upgrade
your stuff, move to next level. Lot of fun, though randomness is there
when it comes to delivery sites.
Building Rush 2
You are the boss! Manage the manufacturing and delivery of building materials to construction sites in multiple cities.
Build and upgrade your plants and cons...
is the third game, one of the shorts in the Medieval Cop series, which
mostly consists of story, walking around maps talking to people, and
the occasional minigame. I haven't played too much of it yet, mostly
focusing on those that get made into badge of the day, so while I'm a
bit lost on the story, the gameplay's alright.
Medieval Shorts 3
Amber is now on unpaid leave until she regains her sanity which is
pretty normal for Rightia Police. Help her sell tickets to a charity
show to various citizen...
Blizzard gaming!
Not quite yet gotten any of the classes to the next level, though 4 of
them are really close now. But I always focus on those the furthest
behind, so that's fine. New season started, for March, with the changed
ranking system, requiring more stars at the lower levels, but you only
need to win 5 games rather than reach rank 20 to get the season
rewards. Still, I suspect I'll do that anyway before the month is over,
because you can't lose stars below 20.
Tavern brawl is actually a wild arena where you can make your own deck
normally. I don't like arena much, and only got 1 win out of the first
free entry, but that was enough for pack reward.
Probably 0 wins and 3 losses would be enough too :smiley:
Heroes of the Storm:
2 new levels for me, up to 256 now. Always a nice number! Brawl this
week was another 1-lane with random heroes; got lucky and won all 3 of
them in a reasonable time. For 2 of the brawls I got heroes I was
familiar with, but the other one had me on Greymane, the worgen leader.
Interesting hybrid of ranged and melee, but I focused mostly on the
melee part, and did quite well, getting the most kills. One of the new
levels was getting him to level 2 through that game, and I'll
definitely keep him in mind for future heroes to focus on.
Will be a while, though, Chromie's also lined up for next warcraft assassin :smiley:
Diablo 3:
New season going quite well, for the little time a day I put into it.
Some good legendaries making leveling at master difficulty smooth
enough, so that's lucky. I finished chapter 1 of the season journey,
getting to level 50 in the process, and am ready for the next trek to
level 70.
Finally a new pet from the old raids! A Surger from Baleroc in the
Firelands. That leaves just one more pet from Bastion of Twilight for
this current tier of pets.
More progress in the Legion raiding, as we got heroic Aggramar down on
our second attempt of the day, after getting Coven in only a few tries
as well. Key was indeed add-control, and I myself was put in charge of
one of the adds, so yay, I was important :wink:
Only one more boss to go, Argus, which we took a couple of shots at.
50% on the first night, not too bad. Possibly they'll kill him on
Tuesday when I'm not home, but I think I'm fine with that :smiley: Got
a few upgrades myself, including the last tier-piece I wanted, and some
rare trash-dropping bracers which someone else in the raid got, but he
knew I was missing them. So yay for generous people!
The weekly for this week is mythic dungeons, and with a small
well-geared party out of our raidgroup we decided to tackle the higher
keystone levels, in the hunt for that 15+ which is necessary for an
artifact appearance. We did quite well, but messed up a few times in
Court of Stars at 14+, missing the timer by less than 2 minutes. So we
decided to wrap up the weekly quest with a base mythic and we'll try to
get back to striving for 15+ next week, or tomorrow if everyone's
available. Or both, if needed.
And finally, making more progress on my side projects :smiley: Got my
last 6 coins for the wish remover achievement in the Dalaran fountain
on monday, quite lucky. After that I went through the storyline for the
ghost girl pet Uuna, visiting places around the world, giving her
stuff, and ultimately saving her from souleaters in the afterlife. Then
some more places visited to unlock more dialogue, and when it was all
done she'd been upgraded to a shiny version who hugs you back if you
/hug her. Very emotional storyline, though personally I was a little
bit less affected that way than others who commented on the storyline
online. Maybe I've just seen this kind of stuff done too often, though
the afterlife scenario really was quite interesting.
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
And then I started my last Legion fishing project, which is simply
maxing out the artifact power and traits on the artifact fishing pole.
Still need 10 traits which require a lot of rare fish, but I've already
found ways to streamline the project by fishing for sleeping murlocs,
releasing them on certain spots they can't run from so you
automatically get all the rare fish they drop, and after enough of
those, visiting Dalaran to pick up all the fish I didn't have room for
from the mailbox and powering up the artifact in great numbers. Still,
it'll require rather more fishing before it's maxed out, as the last
trait alone requires 1000 rare fish.
And I think that's my report for this week! Next up, more fishing :wink:
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018
Interesting. I'm not sure if it's random or if certain conditions need
to be met, but I went to Secheron in Diablo 3, freed the explorer, then
the barbarians, then got Kanai's cube, and then visited Kanai's throne
room, and Kanai's spirit rose up to open Kanai's Stomping Grounds...
which appear to be D3's actual Cow Level.
Oh, apparently it's part of a D3 event.
Only available in March. How odd.
So not the true cow level. Still fun!
Ar-Pharazon-V - 03/04/2018