July 8, 2018 Sunday Meeting
Discord: Valar
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Transcript work by Varda.
Attending: (5)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Lenwe, Pallando, Varda (presiding)
Meeting begins
Tolkien Site / Art:
New art this week by Marigold-(V)
General gaming report
Topic: We know JRRT often showed his preference for trees and such over
industry that was destroying the countryside. Was there any sign that
he also liked things that were not "primitive"? (Enjoy the tangents.)
Flashgaming Reviews by
(times are in Central from Varda, so add one hour for Eastern)
Varda - Yesterday at 4:00 PM
Aiya :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:00 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:00 PM
Good to see you, Phar. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:02 PM
You too, especially since Arien isn't online :wink:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:02 PM
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Ar-Pharazon and Varda are here at the meeting in Discord. Yay!
and Arien!
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:03 PM
aiya :grin:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Couldn't find you in bnet, so figured you'd gone somewhere.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:03 PM
Nice timing, Sunshine.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:04 PM
nah on mobile I fear ...We forgot the phone bill so they cut nroadband
Varda - Yesterday at 4:04 PM
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:05 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:05 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:05 PM
Bet they'll reinstate you soon after they see greenbacks.
Glad you found a way!
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:05 PM
Paid it when I came home but it
Not reconnected yet ..yesterday that was
Varda - Yesterday at 4:06 PM
Soon. (tm)
Meanwhile, we get to see you here, yay!
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:07 PM
at latest that and watching Hobbit and LotR movies dry
Varda - Yesterday at 4:08 PM
That's a lot of watching.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:08 PM
gotta keep oneself entertained
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:08 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:08 PM
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:09 PM
that as well although it rained a bit today
I mean more like in a dry tone of voice if u could hear me
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:10 PM
You're watching movies in a dry tone of voice?
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:10 PM
no :stuck_out_tongue:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:11 PM
I love you two.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:11 PM
I... really don't get it then.
Ah well.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:11 PM
She left out the marks showing that dry was an emote.
Means it's a joke said straight-faced, as if not a joke.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:12 PM
love u too Varda and u Phari *hugs**
Varda - Yesterday at 4:13 PM
On to
New art from Marigold-(V)
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:13 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:13 PM
"Ai Lintulinda Lasselanta": "A Lilypad Autumn". New painting acrylic on canvas, put up for July 4th
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:13 PM
(that was to the emote explanation)
Varda - Yesterday at 4:13 PM
um, that didn't work exactly as planned
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:14 PM
Link works.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:14 PM
Not sure why that bad link picture showed in the channel.
Any idea?
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:14 PM
Oh, I didn't get a bad link picture.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:15 PM
works for me as well
Varda - Yesterday at 4:15 PM
Going to try this one:
Marigold-(V)'s Cave
Tolkien-inspired artwork by Marigold-(V)
That looks better.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:15 PM
That works too.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:16 PM
Ok, won't worry then. : ) If you both can see the links, it's fine.
Anyway, it's a cheerful, brightly colored painting that was also put up for July 4th. Lilypad fireworks, a first.
World of Warcraft:
Tuesday news:
This week's bonus event: World Quests.
Wednesday news:
The Fireworks Spectacular runs today and tomorrow July 5th.
Sunday news:
Legion PvP Seasion 7 is ending soon.
World of Warcraft
Legion PvP Season 7 Ending Soon—Get Ready for the Post-Season! - WoW
Enjoy dueling? Check out the Battle for Azeroth PvP Preview: Dueler’s Guild.
World of Warcraft
Battle for Azeroth PvP Preview: Dueler’s Guild - WoW
Heroes of the Storm:
Check out the PTR patch notes.
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm PTR Notes – July 2, 2018
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting until July 9!
See what's in development.
Heroes of the Storm
In-Development: Warchrome Skins, Mounts, and More!
Read on for a preview of the new skins, mounts, and other cosmetic items headed to Heroes of the Storm with our next patch.
Minion adjustments are coming.
Upcoming Minion Type Adjustments
Some minions are making new friends in an upcoming update!
That's all from Eonwe's games page. I can add more for LotRO:
The Summer Festival runs through July 16.
Hobnangians is going now.
Anniversary quests are running at the Party Tree.
Any additional general gaming news from anyone? Maybe Eve or other also?
LotRO Beacon Issue # 67
The Lord of the Rings Online
The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 67
I know folks are playing lots. Enjoy!
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:24 PM
Yep, in D3 right now, pushing that last half level to 70.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:24 PM
All right! : )
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:25 PM
seen orome and one or two of the others in Eve
Varda - Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Fladrif spotted online as well.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Orome? Cool, didn't know he played that.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:25 PM
just slow typing on this :neutral_face:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:26 PM
Understood. Please don't let that stop you.
LotRO gamers this past week:
StarCraft 2:
Eowyn, Fangorn, Faramir. Others that I don't know about too. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
Probably some thousands :wink:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:28 PM
Any other business, suggestions, comments, Valarite sightings?
We can see buddies in our Discord channel gaming, a pleasant sight. Some doing that right now. Go go!
Celebrian on FF XIV, Elrond Eve
Orome and Thranduil were on LotRO with Varda until just a bit ago.
On to
know JRRT often showed his preference for trees and such over industry
that was destroying the countryside. Was there any sign that he also
liked things that were not "primitive"?
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:31 PM
You mean like specific types of progress?
Varda - Yesterday at 4:31 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:32 PM
He was keen on his big fancy stone towers and cities, I guess :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:32 PM
He liked a good typewriter. I wonder if he would have liked computers
with their lack of need of paper during that paper shortage he had to
endure so long.
He loved lingquistics.
Aye on the ancient cities and towns
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:32 PM
he liked arts a lot ...masonry and jc that need specialist told and ingredients
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:32 PM
Certainly a man of books.
As for computers... there's a lot of material on paper containing notes
and being related to each other, showing the progression of
storylines... I wonder if he would've kept his computer any neater, or
if we'd still had access to the work in progress if he did.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
also building and architecture
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
Can erase and overwrite on paper, but if you do that on the pc, even less of the previous material can be traced back.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:34 PM
We would probably not have had the work in progress notes, aye.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:35 PM
he did most in handwriting and he had his special system
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:35 PM
Considering part of his own love in literature was appreciation of the
developing process, as can be seen in some of his descriptions and
viewpoints of his older mythology, it's nice to think he'd have kept
the old versions as well in different files.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:36 PM
And we would have to hope they weren't lost as the hard drives went dead over time, heh.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:36 PM
Hah, that too.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:36 PM
pencil first then blue ink and if he didn't like that he wrote in red over that
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:37 PM
Apparently salvaging methods are getting more advanced, though might be
harder to trace and order if you lost the filenames and folder paths.
And yes, Arien, which still made it interesting to see what lies beneath :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:38 PM
Interesting on that system, Arien. Thanks. Bet he really missed all
that during the paper shortage. Writing on the backs of envelopes, etc.
I pity Christopher Tolkien and admire him for wading through all that.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:38 PM
And sometimes on the edges of books too :open_mouth:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:38 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:39 PM
Even the first drafts of the Hobbit were written on the backs of student notes and exam papers etc, I believe?
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:39 PM
I admire him indeed.. he is what 93 years old?
aye Pharisees
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:40 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:40 PM
He is. Born November 21, 1924
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:41 PM
stupid spellceck :neutral_face:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:41 PM
Spell check can be a nightmare. Have to use a special dictionary addition.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
wish I could turn it off :smirk:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Autocorrect, that's the word I was looking for.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 4:42 PM
You can turn it off in some things, fortunately, in Settings/Preferences.
I think he may have liked the convenience of cars, especially when raining, although he loved hiking and enjoyed horses.
And he could appreciate a comfortable house, like in the Shire, rather than roughing it on a bedroll on top of roots.
So it was a particular level of industrial progress that he liked, one
that didn't wreck the countryside. Finding that divide is difficult,
but perhaps the Shire was it?
and Rivendell
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:47 PM
can u imagine he first lectured at him after he accepted the lecturate at oxford university?
at home
Varda - Yesterday at 4:47 PM
I did not understand that, sorry. Please say again?
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:48 PM
I'm guessing he liked good baths too, judging from some scenes in the Fellowship.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:48 PM
ahh true. : )
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:48 PM
And yes, Shire and Rivendell marked a good state of progress, probably because they were both fairly integrated with nature.
Hole in the ground, that sort of thing.
(huzzah, level 70)
Varda - Yesterday at 4:49 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:49 PM
thanks :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
Orome's back, says he doesn't play Eve. Pallando maybe?
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
can you imagine that JRR held his lectures at home when he became a professor at the university of Oxford?
Varda - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
JRRT lectured at home? Lack of room at the U?
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:50 PM
in the beginning at least
Varda - Yesterday at 4:51 PM
Wonder how well that went over with the missus.
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:52 PM
maybe a bit like the captain's lament at times :slight_smile:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
"Just don't expect me to feed them!"
Varda - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:53 PM
check the song if u don't know it :smiley:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:55 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqvA5IyfSSQ ? :smiley:
The Captain's Wife's Lament
Varda - Yesterday at 4:55 PM
Thanks. Not everyone knows every song, and that will go on the transcript.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:56 PM
Now with WoW video!
ArienV - Yesterday at 4:56 PM
yeah meant pallando earlier Varda sorry don't do names ;-)
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:58 PM
Hmm, that song actually seems rather dirty.
Varda - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Wow, she kicked him out permanently? Kind of drastic.
Lenwe - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Ha, I was thinking the same
Varda - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Aiya Lenwe : )
Lenwe - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Aiya everyone :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Aye, Phar and Lenwe. That's sea chanties for you.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Aiya Lenwe :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 4:59 PM
Glad you could make it. : )
Varda - Yesterday at 5:00 PM
Here's the topic if you would like to add to it:
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:00 PM
I consider myself quite practiced in flat out ignoring or not noticing innuendo, but this one's a challenge.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:00 PM
We know JRRT often showed his preference for trees and such over
industry that was destroying the countryside. Was there any sign that
he also liked things that were not "primitive"?
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:00 PM
it's a shanty after all and tend to be a bit rough :slight_smile:
Varda - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
Speaking of, JRRT seemed to like a bit of pipeweed and a
gentlemanly bit of drink, not enough to interfere with conversation,
So that was a bit of progress he liked.
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
And no I doubt his wife would have done that but it must have been cluttered in the house
There were three of his pipes at the exhibition
Varda - Yesterday at 5:04 PM
Interesting. And amazing they survived.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:04 PM
grin that's the funny thing about being famous... even the smallest household items can attract admirers.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:05 PM
Pipes, kind of a trademark for him. Don't see those much now.
Lenwe - Yesterday at 5:06 PM
There might also be a distinction between enjoying the fruits of
progress that are here regardless, and the not so nice results of
industrialization. There are plenty of people I know who don't live
like the Amish, but still broadly disapprove of side effects of
industrialization :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 5:06 PM
Trick I guess is to find a way to do the industrial things in a careful
way. Just hard to see all endings of an action, but they can be
corrected and worked with.
Lenwe - Yesterday at 5:08 PM
In LotR, it's interesting how Men and Elves use plants for healing, whereas Orcs apparently rely on strong drink to hide wounds?
Varda - Yesterday at 5:08 PM
I still like the idea of going to space for instance, setting up a moon
and Mars colony, etc. : ) And doing tons of science out there!
What we could see and learn would be phenomenal.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:08 PM
I'm reminded of the elven cities in Warcraft from 10000 years ago,
highly advanced but still integration of stone and wood and
technological progress.
Trees and all.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:08 PM
Strong drink, alcohol. Does work
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:09 PM
I think integration of technology while keeping nature around is a good balance.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:09 PM
The dwarves did a great deal of tech that seemed to be admirable. And the Noldor. A balance can be found.
Making gems. Making magnificent metal armor and weapons.
Pallando-Valar - Yesterday at 5:11 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 5:11 PM
Aiya Pallando! : )
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:11 PM
Lenwe - Yesterday at 5:11 PM
Aren't the dwarves inferior in Tolkien's view, as they were not created
in the same fashion as the other races? I thought his description in
the Silmarillion derided their obsession with the things of the earth
Varda - Yesterday at 5:12 PM
The dwarves were originally imagined as evil, but while working on the
story, they developed so that we even had the likes of Gimli. : )
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:12 PM
aiya !
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:12 PM
There is an inherent simplicity to them in their creation by a Vala
rather than Eru. But Eru did grant them equal status of a sort.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Adopted children
Lenwe - Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Okay :smiley: I didn't consider his feelings toward dwarfs may have evolved
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:15 PM
ents were planned as evil as well but thankfully that was changed and
got us landed with the huorns and the likes of old man willow
Varda - Yesterday at 5:16 PM
I had not heard that about ents. Guess it's time to hit the books again!
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:17 PM
Well, if they did start with Old Man Willow...
Varda - Yesterday at 5:18 PM
There were the trees that the hobbits fought, to keep behind the Hedge.
Odd that after that, it would seem so strange that a tree might have
been seen walking. Maybe it was too far back in history for the Shire.
Like, say, a week.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:19 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 5:19 PM
The Shepherds of the Trees were meant to protect the trees, so people
of all sorts would have run-ins with them. But the entwives loved
gardening and taught farming.
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:22 PM
if done the wrong way even farming can be "evil that is bad for the ground ...
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:22 PM
I wonder if the entwives would've liked and defended the Shire from those attacks.
True, Arien.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:22 PM
Treebeard seemed to think the entwives would have liked the Shire
And true, so the entwives taught the right way to do it.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:23 PM
But the hobbits of the Shire do seem to have handled their fields
appropriately, because they were still farming the same fields many
years later.
Varda - Yesterday at 5:23 PM
Another form of protection: knowledge.
So, the ents used strength to protect the trees, the entwives used
teaching. Both were good approaches but separated them. Bringing the
two together would be a great thing of the West.
And we've reached the hour (plus, heh). We can continue if we like in
After-meeting and release those for whom the sun is about to rise.
Arien, go ahead and finish typing. : )
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:26 PM
when u combine strength, knowledge, talent and creativity, what do you get :blush:?
Varda - Yesterday at 5:26 PM
A Valarite!
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:27 PM
Captain Planet?
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:27 PM
hehe...I actually meant magic but those work as well :blush:
Varda - Yesterday at 5:28 PM
: )
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:31 PM
right friends ...time to withdraw I think getting tired
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:32 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 5:32 PM
Namarie Arien
the hammers go marching
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:32 PM
Namarie for now :smiley:
Varda - Yesterday at 5:32 PM
the hammerpad bows
all is well
Namarie, Arien!
ArienV - Yesterday at 5:33 PM
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 5:46 PM
Right, personal gaming report!
Flash gaming:
is the first game! A simple point and click game where you have to
chase down a stolen crown through a bunch of small levels. Find all the
golden skulls for an extra ending, but while you can see in the level
menu which levels have the skulls, finding them still requires some
(perhaps illogical) experimentation before finishing the level normally.
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 6:00 PM
is the second game (for flashgaming, hadn't mentioned that before), use
a bow and arrow to shoot the apple of your friend's head.
Apple Shooter 2 - OneMoreLevel.com
You get plenty of attempts at a level, and can see the trajectory of
your previous arrow... but if you shoot your friend, your game is over.
See how far you can get :smiley:
is the third game! Quite a few games at once, really, mostly small
logic puzzle games, but with customizable levels. Something for
everyone, with a lot of variation if you explore around a bit :smiley:
Blizzard gaming:
Most of the classes well over halfway to next level now, so that's
going well. Brawl this week is all spells costing health instead of
mana. Got my victory with a cheap priest deck containing some good
heals to compensate for health loss and a bunch of buffing spells to
make good use of the brawl condition to make a really powerful minion
in one turn.
The special event is over, with the specially rewarding daily quests,
and we've gone back to the normal ones. On the one hand it's sad to
lose the extra rewards, on the other hand the normal quests do force me
to make winning decks again from time to time rather than exclusively
quest-focused decks that, while completing the quests fast enough,
don't stand a chance of actually winning a match even at the lowest
And wins do give more xp :smiley:
Heroes of the Storm:
level 287 now. Brawl was a rather annoying single-lane map, took a
while to complete 3 matches. Lost all 3, but one was really quite
close, which was fun, if a time-waster.
I think 2 of the 3 levels were Zarya and Sergeant Hammer, both of which
got to level 10, with hero-specific loot chests. Including the master
skin for Hammer which is quite nice.
Not very special, but nice.
Diablo 3:
Level 70 now, reached during meeting :smiley: Followed it up by a few
quick objectives within the camp itself, like crafting armor and
enchanting, and completing season journey chapter 2.
Next up will be chapter 3, with a few specific bosses to seek out and
completing a set of bounties in each act. I think I'll start with that,
in case I run across the bosses for the bounties.
Not much to tell. Didn't get the pet from the one old raid we did last
week (done in 5 minutes, since the person who needed something from
Dragon Soul wasn't around so we just needed to kill one boss in Trial
of the crusader), didn't get the one missing appearance. from heroic
Antorus yet either.
Fishing on Argus has not paid off so far despite a total of 3 and a
half hours of fishing, but with such a low dropchance for the mount,
needing 20 hours or so for it does not seem uncommon. As such, it's a
good chance that I will not get the mount before patch 8.0, at which
point I'll probably have other stuff to do. I will keep it in my to-do
list for the future though.
World quests for the weekly quest are going fine, though the reputation
bonus has not yet paid off in paragon reward mounts or toys.
And I didn't even get to do any more pet battles for the Argus meta
achievement because all the world quests were for pets I'd already
But! There's one thing I did complete. And that is my last
leatherworking rank 3 pattern from Cordana in heroic Vault of the
It took me exactly 150 kills; at a maximum of one a day you can see
I've spent a lot of time being very unlucky... but it's done, and now
my leatherworking collection is complete. At least until new expansion
comes along :wink:
With that done, I've started doing a daily heroic Lower Karazhan
instead, for the watch from Moroes which allows you to recruit him as a
follower. Also a pretty low chance, but at least it's something other
than the Vault :smiley: Seems to be pretty fast too.
We'll see if I'm luckier there than with Cordana. If I don't get it
before the expansion I'll probably just get a few levels and start
soloing the place instead.
And yep, that's my report for the week! Patch expected in about a week
and a half, at which point we'll have some new pre-expansion quests to
do, as well as our artifacts losing power, classes and professions
being tossed around... and the new legacy loot option, which will allow
me to start doing transmog runs again in older dungeons and raids.
Should be fun, been quite a while since I got to do that!
Varda - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Thanks, Phar
Ar-Pharazon-V - Yesterday at 8:41 PM
Varda - Yesterday at 8:41 PM
Namarie Phar :smiley: