October 15, 2017 Sunday Meeting
AIM: Valar Guild Meetingplace
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Transcript work by Ar-Pharazon and Varda.
Attending: (8)
Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Varda (presiding)
Arien, Gil-galad, Varda
Frodo, Hamson, Melilot, Varda
Meeting begins
Anniversary page has new art header and screenshots.
General gaming report by Eonwe
Topic 1:
Odd juxtopositions of Tolkien characters due to our guildmates' real
life relationships.
Topic 2: Medicine in
Flashgaming Reviews by
(times for Ar-Pharazon in the Netherlands)
Chat History for Valar Guild Meetingplace
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Ar-Pharazon-V (22:13:18): I wonder how many level 1
gnomes have been / will be created all over the world today.
Ar-Pharazon-V (22:14:00): Personally I took my 26
gnomette warlock through the race, but saw quite a few level 2s and 3s
at the finish line, fresly made for the race.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Eonwe Valar (22:57:32): And some of those probably
deleted, heh.
Eonwe Valar (22:57:34): And heya :}
Ar-Pharazon-V (22:57:42): Aiya!
Ar-Pharazon-V (22:57:47): Yes, that's true :)
Arien V (22:58:09): aiya Eonwe :)
Arien V (22:58:23): aiya Phara :)
Eonwe Valar (23:00:24): We'll give it a couple more
minutes then we'll begin the meeting.
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:00:37): Aiya Arien!
Varda Valar (23:03:44): Aiya Eonwe, Phar, And Arien :)
Eonwe Valar (23:03:53): Heya :}
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:04:01): Aiya Varda!
Varda Valar (23:04:05): Pardon the slowness. Frodo
and Melilot returned to LotRO, got to chatting and the time snuck up!
Varda Valar (23:04:22): Hamson's been around a good
bit too. :)
Varda Valar (23:04:56): Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo!
Varda Valar (23:05:00): Membership:
Varda Valar (23:05:11): Varda apologizes for being
Eonwe Valar (23:05:37): :}
Varda Valar (23:05:37): Welcome back from the army to
Frodo and Melilot. Enjoy some University time!
Varda Valar (23:06:04): Hamson had a few days off
duriing Fall Break and a couple days off work, so he's been playing
hard too. :)
Varda Valar (23:06:19): All's well here. Any other
membership news?
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:06:27): I hope Frodo didn't get any
nasty scars while away.
Arien V (23:08:23): ah i ve seen some names i wasnt
familiar with ^^ I wonderered
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:09:00): dagger in the shoulder,
that kinda stuff.
Varda Valar (23:10:44): Notes help :)
Varda Valar (23:10:51): Melilot is now in our Discord
server :)
Arien V (23:10:58): indeed they do :)
Varda Valar (23:12:07): I didn't ask an Army guy
about his scars, Morgul daggers, etc. :)
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:12:28): hehe, fair enough
Varda Valar (23:14:08): I'll be glad when we all
settle in one place. Getting interesting relaying in so many directions.
Varda Valar (23:14:22): Web:
Varda Valar (23:14:50): People have been responding
to Eonwe's GSMU mail, those that can. Some folks we don't have a
current email for.
Varda Valar (23:15:17): Feel free to email Eonwe or
me, or post to the forum, or come to a meeting. :)
Varda Valar (23:16:58): On the Anniversary page, we
now have a new art header with emailed permission from the Bohemian
Weasel-(T), one you've seen before but used in a new way here. :)
Varda Valar (23:17:28): The Anniversary page also has
new screenshots since last Sunday, from
Varda Valar (23:17:49): Arien for the theme in WoW
Varda Valar (23:18:14): and fireworks screenies from
Miriel and from Lenwe. :)
Varda Valar (23:18:33): http://valarguild.org/varda/guild/NewsArchives/extras/2017/anniv/anniv20th.htm
Varda Valar (23:19:52): Some bad links on Arien's
Article Author's page have been fixed. They happened when stuff was
rearranged to make it either under Tolkien or under Guild, simplifying
the files a little.
Varda Valar (23:20:21): Please check your stuff and
email me if your links are broken to help find the mess-ups.
Varda Valar (23:24:16): Also, on the Anniversary
page, I added in a batch of info from
Varda Valar (23:24:32): the GSMU to help the
Membership page, which is now updated from it.
Arien V (23:24:38): i love that Smaug picture :)
Varda Valar (23:24:47): Anyone responding to the GSMU
has extra credit with me!
Varda Valar (23:24:50): Aye ;)
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:26:48): Does me occasionally
spotting Fladrif in Hearthstone count for the second list?
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:27:01): Last online 3 days ago!
Varda Valar (23:28:27): yay, thanks!
Varda Valar (23:28:32): Gaming:
Varda Valar (23:28:45): Eonwe has the general Games
Report for us. Fire when ready!
Eonwe Valar (23:28:50): Thanks :}
Eonwe Valar (23:29:05): World of Warcraft:
Eonwe Valar (23:29:21): There are hotfixes
to see.
Eonwe Valar (23:29:31): Diablo 3:
Eonwe Valar (23:29:45): See the first
look at Patch 2.6.1.
Eonwe Valar (23:29:57): Updates have been made to the
patch notes.
Eonwe Valar (23:30:07): Starcraft 2:
Eonwe Valar (23:30:33): Two patches have come out
this week: Patch
3.19.0 and Patch
3.19.1. You can also check out this preview
blog discussing the improvements to the Arcade.
Eonwe Valar (23:30:46): Heroes of the Storm:
Eonwe Valar (23:31:03): Hallow's
End is coming Tuesday, October 17th through November 14th and
includes a new event. Better finish up on the current event if you
haven't already!
Eonwe Valar (23:31:13): A new balance
patch came out this week.
Eonwe Valar (23:31:22): There's also been some updates
to the PTR patch notes.
Eonwe Valar (23:31:40): Hearthstone:
Eonwe Valar (23:31:53): There's some updates coming
to the game mechanics. Check out this
blog for the information.
Eonwe Valar (23:32:04): Lord of the Rings Online:
Eonwe Valar (23:32:18): Harvestmath is going.
Eonwe Valar (23:33:13): Two patches came out for
LotRO as well this week: Update
21.2.0 came out Tuesday, and Update
21.2.1 came out Friday. Technically the next week: Sunday hotfix.
Eonwe Valar (23:33:38): That's it from me.
Varda Valar (23:33:59): Thank you, Eonwe. We
appreciate your hard work!
Varda Valar (23:34:48): Any further business,
suggestions, gripes, comments, kudos?
Arien V (23:35:13): thanks Eonwe :)
Varda Valar (23:35:28): ./cheer
Eonwe Valar (23:35:30): :}
Varda Valar (23:35:36): Tolkien:
Varda Valar (23:36:08): I was
amused at some of the odd juxtapositions our characters in gaming have
with Tolkien's storyline
Varda Valar (23:37:48): For instance, the married
pair that came online today use the guild characters of Frodo and
Melilot. Why would that couple raise a few eyebrows in the Shire,
despite both being Hobbits?
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:40:20): Well I'm sure there's a
familial relation between them, though extended enough perhaps not to
matter much, not sure on the detail... also a bit of an age difference,
wasn't there?
Eonwe Valar (23:41:01): http://valarguild.org/varda/Tolkien/encyc/articles/m/MelilotBrandybuck.htm
Eonwe Valar (23:41:22): Not much to go on there,
except she was a guest at Bilbo's farewell party, and that she's a
Varda Valar (23:41:26): Both were Brandybucks, aye
Varda Valar (23:42:15): Aye, I believe she was a fair
bit younger than Frodo.
Varda Valar (23:42:45): Gil-Galad-Today at 4:41 PM
[Discord copy/paste]
Well, they are distant cousins, but I have no idea how the hobbits see
that. She's also almost 20 years younger than Frodo, but again, no idea
how that is seen in Hobbit society
Varda Valar (23:43:23): Any other interesting
groupings of real life people in the Valar Guild, when thinking of them
as their Middle-earth characters?
Eonwe Valar (23:43:44): Oromë and Melkor come to
mind quickly, hehe.
Varda Valar (23:43:49): hehe
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:43:55): Well, I'm good friends with
Fladrif, Numenorean and an ent :)
Varda Valar (23:44:25): Bilbo, Sauron, and Eowyn are
siblings. :)
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:44:32): Shipbuilder and
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:45:05): Aragorn's got an eagle for
a stepfather? ;)
Varda Valar (23:45:10): He might be picking your
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:45:17): Ah yes, perhaps!
Eonwe Valar (23:45:44): Does Varda and Fangorn count?
;} A tree-creature drawn to the creator of Light seems fitting, hehe :}
Varda Valar (23:45:54): There you go
Varda Valar (23:46:44): Gil-Galad-Today at 4:45 PM
Well, I have no partner know in Middle Earth, so there's that
Eonwe Valar (23:47:47): Alatar and Gaffer. Sure, the
relative ages are right (Alatar would be the older) but the younger
real life person is an old man in Tolkien's works :}
Varda Valar (23:47:48): (In Discord chatting atm are
Arien, Gil-galad, Gorlim, and Varda. Melilot and Frodo had to leave.
Eonwe Valar (23:49:14): (Gaffer --> Alatar's son)
Varda Valar (23:50:32): Some make sense. Eowyn is
married to Faramir.
Varda Valar (23:51:16): Melkor is always fun:
Varda Valar (23:51:22): Father of Orome and Angrod.
Grandfather of Falathar, Rose Cotton, and William.
Eonwe Valar (23:51:31): Afk for a moment.
Varda Valar (23:51:34): That's William the Troll
Varda Valar (23:51:51): Finally came back around to
baddies in the third generation
Varda Valar (23:53:11): Meriadoc and Varda are
Arien V (23:53:25): what how?
Arien V (23:53:48): oh right .. Meriadoc is your
Brother :)]
Varda Valar (23:53:50): Sorry, which what how? :)
Varda Valar (23:53:52): Right!
Varda Valar (23:53:56): I'll claim that hobbit!
Arien V (23:54:09): hehe :)
Varda Valar (23:55:52): Aredhel and Maedhros are
Varda Valar (23:56:36): Arwen is real life friends
with Eowyn, Sauron, Bilbo, Fangorn, and Varda.
Varda Valar (23:56:48): So is Gimli with that mob.
And Elwing.
Varda Valar (23:57:27): Landroval and Belladonna Took
are married
Varda Valar (23:58:17): Another sane pair are
Celebrian and Elrond.
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:58:24): Another eagle marrying a
Varda Valar (23:58:42): shortest type, too!
Ar-Pharazon-V (23:58:48): Yep!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Varda Valar (00:03:50): Lenwe, Erkenbrand, and
Marigold are siblings.
Varda Valar (00:05:27): (Updated Fladrif on the
Membership page)
Varda Valar (00:05:57): Does anyone else have another
topic? That wasn't intended to take long or be the only one.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:06:22): (hm, refreshing the page
doesn't put him there
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:06:23): )
Varda Valar (00:07:05): Should show 2018. I'll look,
thanks for checking
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:07:29): oh wait
Varda Valar (00:07:31): Yep on the right hand side.
shows he's good for 2018
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:07:35): I thought you meant the
anniversary page :D
Varda Valar (00:07:55): That was for people Eonwe
could verify personally since they didn't email.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:08:07): Ahh, personally.
Varda Valar (00:08:24): Like checking into games he
can see for guild mates.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:08:25): I thought it was people who
were gaming despite not emaling.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:08:28): *emailing
Varda Valar (00:08:47): *verifiable* by Eonwe, is
what that list was.
Varda Valar (00:09:08): The Membership page is what I
handle, so that's done.
Varda Valar (00:09:36): If he says verified (poke
him), then I can add it there.
Varda Valar (00:09:43): It's his report. :)
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:10:18): Sure, I'll withdraw from
that situation then :)
Varda Valar (00:10:46): No worries. He's updated on
the Membership page for next year, the main use of that list on the
Anniversary page.
Varda Valar (00:10:58): Name protected for 2018.
Varda Valar (00:11:41): People inactive too long
might have their names handed to a new, active member if it's
requested. So an email is a good idea to prevent confusion.
Varda Valar (00:12:17): Any further comments,
Varda Valar (00:13:58): What
sort of medical care do we know of in Middle-earth?
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:14:20): Athelas?
Varda Valar (00:14:41): That was for a very
particular use, aye What was it?
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:15:36): It's a weed - ehr, I mean,
I think it was used by Aragorn to cure Merry of the black influence at
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:16:00): And for other wounds caused
by Morgul people.
Varda Valar (00:16:15): Weed, hehe. That was the
belief o many, aye. Pull it up and trash it.
Varda Valar (00:16:40): Exactly. It was used versus
the Black Breath, and the other versions of the Morgul illness.
Varda Valar (00:16:48): Morgul being evil magic
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:17:08): Sorcery being the general
Varda Valar (00:17:25): There you go, aye.
Varda Valar (00:18:11): We know Elrond pulled some
interesting healing at Imladris, without Athelas.
Varda Valar (00:18:40): Including against the morgul
Varda Valar (00:19:52): Prince Imrahil noticed that
Eowyn was alive. He put polished metal by her mouth and saw the vapor
from her breath form and go away. He asked if there were no leeches
among them (term for medics).
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:19:57): Do we know he didn't use
Varda Valar (00:20:19): We don't really know.
Varda Valar (00:21:19): Aragorn was there. He hadn't
really claimed the kingdom yet, though, so maybe it wouldn't work.
Elrond refused to be called the High King of the Elves, similar problem?
Varda Valar (00:21:34): Gil-Galad-Today at 5:20 PM
Do we really know what Elrond's healing entails though? I don't
remember anything specific in the books..
Varda Valar (00:22:34): It had to be used by the hand
of a king.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:22:35): Power of the light..
Varda Valar (00:22:53): What light are you thinking
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:23:16): Elven spirituality and
connection to Valinor and the Valar?
Arien V (00:23:20): Light of Earendil aka the
Arien V (00:23:29): aka Light of the Two Trees?#
Varda Valar (00:24:35): Are you referring to Elrond
and his connection to light?
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:25:10): Yes, pretty much.
Varda Valar (00:25:17): Thanks.
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:25:38): While also making a crack
at Warcraft holy magic, but that didn't really seem relevant enough to
elaborate on.
Varda Valar (00:25:47): I wondered. :)
Varda Valar (00:26:13): (Was a Holy Priest in WoW,
Varda Valar (00:26:38): There was a House of Healing
in Gondor.
Arien V (00:26:46): ((hope my Aranwe oc is not to
wow-healy then :O ))
Varda Valar (00:27:03): heh
Varda Valar (00:27:19): Do we know anything about the
House of Healing in Gondor?
Arien V (00:28:04): there were wise woman and a
master of herbs . the women looked after the patiens and the other guy
.. well explains itself :)
Arien V (00:28:14): the herbstore of course
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:28:31): Well, it was useful for the
wounded from the War of the Ring, though surely it must have contained
many more than the named few we read about.
Varda Valar (00:28:49): Seemed to have been a big
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:28:59): Must have been, yes!
Varda Valar (00:29:21): We know of Ioreth, the eldest
of the women who served there.
Varda Valar (00:29:57): We know of at least one old
Varda Valar (00:33:34): They had many beds and rooms.
Even a large wall that Faramir and Eowyn stood on to watch the lands
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:34:10): A nice view seems to be
helpful for healing and morale.
Varda Valar (00:34:15): Agreed
Varda Valar (00:35:57): I seem to remember comments
about poultices, so they at least had that.
Arien V (00:36:23): and slings and splints
Varda Valar (00:36:37): That they commented on
leeches is kind of eeky.
Arien V (00:36:38): i remember that mentioned about
Eowyns broken arm
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:36:50): Leeches for everything!
Varda Valar (00:37:02): Thanks, Arien
Varda Valar (00:41:15): *A hammer bounces off the
traveling conveyor belt in the gavel shelf, carrying a pile of wet,
white cloths*
Varda Valar (00:41:29): *it drops them on top of the
Varda Valar (00:41:38): *Thmmmmmoooooofffffff*
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:41:38): I wonder if there were
leech farms.
Varda Valar (00:42:31): *A muffled thump from the
hammerpad. The hammer hands picks up the cloths, hands them to the
chairperson, and bounces back to the shelf.*
Varda Valar (00:43:04): May have gathered leeches
from water areas and kept them in bowls, perhaps found ways to raise
them in the healing areas?
Arien V (00:43:14): .. uhm .. sort of .. glasses
fillled with herbs they could feed , were taken out and set on the
patients arm and let do their work . sorry .. hooray for the Outlander
books :)
Varda Valar (00:43:45): Interesting. :)
Arien V (00:44:50): it is . sorryu its completely off
topic but i know that the author, Diana Gabaldon, did put a lot of
research in those books
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:45:38): Not completely offtopic ;)
Arien V (00:45:45): :)
Varda Valar (00:47:21): :)
Varda Valar (00:47:24):
Arien V.. uhm .. sort of .. glasses fillled with herbs they could feed
, were taken out and set on the patients arm and let do their work .
sorry .. hooray for the Outlander books
Varda Valar (00:47:31): sorry, miscopy
Varda Valar (00:47:45): https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-leech-therapy#takeaway7
Varda Valar (00:49:05): JRRT would likely have seen
the medics actually using leeches.
Varda Valar (00:50:00): *puts the cloths down*
Varda Valar (00:50:05): After-meeting!
Varda Valar (00:50:22): Feel free to continue on the
subject or grab some sleep.
Varda Valar (00:50:40): I'll be heading to a meal
downstairs. Thank you, Fangorn!
Arien V (00:51:58): i think i should grab some sleep
but first must put my rp char bed i guess :)
Varda Valar (00:52:04): there's that. :)
Varda Valar (00:52:09): Namarie for now!
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:52:12): I'll start my report then,
I guess!
Arien V (00:52:21): so i ll say Namarie here for
tonight :)
Varda Valar (00:52:31): Namarie, Arien. :)
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:52:51): Namarie!
Ar-Pharazon-V (00:58:33): Perrrrrsonal gaming report!
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:00:00): Flashgaming:
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:01:21): http://www.kongregate.com/games/SnoBoxStudio/dragonfire-a-game-of-pixels
is the first! An old-style arcade action game with upgrades, you play a
dragon engaged in a war with humans, and have to breath fire to torch
your enemies and their buildings, getting money to become stronger
between flights.
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:05:11): http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/block_spot
is the second game, a tetris-based puzzle game where you have to fit
shapes into the playing field with just the available spots.
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:10:01): http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/unicorn_kingdom
is the third game, a bit weird and silly and possibly originally mobile
game where you go through various levels in various kingdoms to collect
items as a flying unicorn.
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:11:09): There's also something
about a big dragon flying through but I haven't figured out how it all
works, but feel free to try it ;)
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:12:43): Am experiencing some
savegame problems (this whole game does not seem to be put together
flawlessly, to be honest, but hey, at least it's stylish!) but have not
been able to find another location for it yet that might work better.
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:18:29): Blizzard gaming:
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:23:32): Heroes of the Storm: No new levels,
but I did finish the golden Pachimari event, getting a new set of
emojis with it. Ready for the next event!
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:36:14): This week's brawl was 3x3
rounds of the Punisher Arena. Nothing special, but I did get the chance
to revisit some of my old heroes like Valla and Lunara who I've not
played since leveling them to 15. Lot of fun again!
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:52:21): Hearthstone: Some classes moving
quite close to next level, and the furthest behind are now halfway. Fun
brawl, make a deck with 10 cards, discover one of 3 random cards every
turn. Some ways to exploit it by messing with the opponent's deck, but
personally I preferred a cheap spell casting deck with the mage.
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:55:11): WoW:
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:55:55): Got Kil'jaeden down on the
first attempt this week, so looking pretty good on that front :)
Ar-Pharazon-V (01:56:53): Continuing to get pets from
the old raids, this week a cute little skeleton thing from Nefarian, so
now I have all Blackwing Descent pets.
Ar-Pharazon-V (02:00:40): Continuing my falcosaur
quests! Done with the first of the 4 falcosaurs now, getting me a new
mount, prompting me to get started on the second from Stormheim, as
well unlocking the Talon's Vengeance faction.
Ar-Pharazon-V (02:07:38): To get rep with that, you
need to kill other players using a special buff in special pvp world
quests areas, which is not really my thing, but I did get a few, and a
whole lot of others by asking friends to visit me on top of warden
towers where I could kill them :) Doing that, I've gotten to friendly
already... which is about 1/14th of the way!
Ar-Pharazon-V (02:07:59): When I get to honored I can
purchase an item that allows me to do the same thing in battlegrounds,
which should speed things up.
Ar-Pharazon-V (02:08:53): This week's weekly is 5 pvp
pet battles, which I got done easily enough. Used the leveling stone
reward for one of my falcosaurs.
Ar-Pharazon-V (02:18:57): Also participated in the
Great Gnomeregan Run! Turned my level 26 gnome warlock's hair pink for
the occasion and ran her from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay. Also did it
later on with my main druid, but chose to fly with him instead, ducking
through all the gates at lightning speed. Attempted it in first-person
view, as well, which made it look like some sort of racecar (only just
realized that's a palindrome!) game.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:13:02): I took a few shots at the
Guardian druid class challenge, with no success. 21 attempts later only
saw me hitting phase 2 once.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:13:22): But I did some research,
and feral should be easier; I'll focus on that next time and leave
guardian for later, at least until I have the Netherlight Crucible.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:14:18): Got myself a new legendary
today, the necklace Prydaz something, which is apparently really good
for balance class challenge in the way future... now I have 2 more
legendaries left that can drop for feral spec, including the best one
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:15:20): With my luck I'll get the
headpiece next and the ring (the best one for feral) last, but at least
that headpiece will be a unique model.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:15:41): Lots of Broken Shore stuff!
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:16:19): Unlocked the treasure cave,
where you can spend nethershards for keys to use on random chests,
which can hold more (or less) nethershards, as well as some unique
goodies. Tried out a few gambles and got the pet on the second attempt!
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:16:46): But it's better to spend
nethershards on the directly bought stuff first, so that's what I'll do
in the future.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:17:35): I also took a few shots at
Sentinax stuff, initially for the questline, but I'm still not sure how
it works.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:18:22): You can kill mobs under the
ship, or rares all across the island, and get stones, which are used
for portals... and then you can use more stones to empower those
portals or something? Not sure. Or maybe get a more powerful stone from
the mobs from a portal, but have not seen any of those yet.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:19:06): But I got what I wanted
there, and finished the Broken Shore questline completely, which led
into another class hall questline, where I got my classmount!
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:19:25): In druid case, that's a new
flightform, Lunarwing, a large owl-like creature.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:20:06): Not sure if I like it,
might go back to the old one. You can switch by talking to an npc in
the class hall. I'll try it out a bit.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:21:04): Also in the class hall,
order advancement is done; I can now use 7 champions at once, and have
a chance at getting double artifact power from certain rewards.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:24:27): And finally, I got my
missing leatherworking pattern from Black Rook Hold at last. Only one
from 5-man instances remaining is Vault of the Wardens, so I'll keep
doing that on mythic once a week, and maybe farm on heroic later on in
the expansion if it fails.
Ar-Pharazon-V (03:24:45): And that's my news for this
Ar-Pharazon-V (04:06:12): Namarie, sending transcript
tomorrow. And I'll really try to get it done tomorrow :) [Note: he did
and early too!]