Hail one and all!
Thank you to those of you who participated in
the Tolkien Trivia this week! The scores were fairly close for this one.
Good job to all!
When scoring, in some ways I was strict, and
in others I was rather forgiving. In cases where actual names, items, or
numbers were asked for, there was no room given if the answer itself
was wrong. In cases where the question involved a description of an
event, if the idea was there strong enough (though it needed to be there
pretty strong), I gave credit. Partial credit was given for answers
that involved a list. The point was of course to test one's memory of
Lord of the Rings in a fun way, though I did give everyone ample warning
before the trivia began to allow review.
The winners are as follows:
1st Place: Varda - 8 right
2nd Place - Indis - 6 1/3 right
3rd Place - Pharazon - 6 right
LotRO for prize eligibility:
1st Place - Varda
2nd Place - Indis
3rd Place - Ancalagon - 5 2/3 right
WoW for Prize Eligibility:
1st Place - Varda
Of course, Varda being in both branches, must choose which branch she wants the prize in :}
one got the Bonus question right, although 3 got close. I say close,
because one tried to give me both the right and the wrong answer at the
same time, and two were on the right track in a similarly worded
question. The Bonus question was of course meant to be a little trickier
than a standard question.
I hope to have another one of these in the not-too-distant future,
so here is warning to all of you to brush up on your Tolkien!
Take care :}