VardaValar1: I don't know about the
initial download. Does anyone else know?
ArPharazonV: Allllright, I think I'll stick to AIM then in any
karakedi25: that would be free as well
Eonwe Valar: Computer upgrades and
broadband routers would not be free, hehe.
VardaValar1: I think they let you just
pick it up digitally.
VardaValar1: Aye, Eonwe.
AriehnV: depends actually .. if it s
like D& D online , it might be a free download
VardaValar1: I think they will make the
initial game a free download.
Eonwe Valar: It'll be a free download.
They want to hook you, so they have to set the bait.
TulkasValar61: Well are we going to see
ORCs sporting adidas logos, where are they going to generate their
VardaValar1: lol - aye Eonwe
karakedi25: It already is, for the free 10-day trial
VardaValar1: Aye, Indis.
VardaValar1: It's a big download even for
the 10-day.
AriehnV: and D & D online is a
child of Turbine as well so it might be a hint
karakedi25: You will probably have to register a credit card, as
you do now, for purchases in the LotRO Store.
VardaValar1: The same person who ran the
set-up for D&D free to play and the store has been put in charge of
VardaValar1: The purchases can also be
made from things picked up in-game.
karakedi25: I'm guessing they will be very similar, if not alike.
TulkasValar61: There is a LoTRO store? or
will there be?
Eonwe Valar: There will be, aye.
karakedi25: Yes, but I suspect they'll want a credit card.
VardaValar1: Ok, we're going to have a
vote from you folks here in AIM. yes, there's a LotRO store coming.
karakedi25: Yes, there will be.
Eonwe Valar: Those with subscriptiosn will
get a monthly amount of Turbine Points.
Eonwe Valar: *subscriptions.
VardaValar1: You can pick up stuff in the
store by money or by things from in-game play.
Eonwe Valar: Those of us who are
life-time members will get that as well without paying a cent.
VardaValar1: Aye.
karakedi25: and will keep whatever they have that others will have
to spend Turbine Points (TP) one
karakedi25: *on
VardaValar1: We're digressing now.
TulkasValar61: Those of us who pay monthly
will continue to pay monthly
VardaValar1: I would like everyone who
wants to stick with AIM for meetings to type Aye.
AriehnV: aye
TulkasValar61: aye
Eonwe Valar: Aye.
ArPharazonV: Aye
VardaValar1: (I was abstaining til last.)
karakedi25: I don't exactly 'want' to, but I think it's the right
thing if LotRO is the only alternative.
TulkasValar61: one more aye and we have a
VardaValar1: What alternative did you
have in mind, Indis?
fladrifv: im ok with what ever client :-)
fladrifv: I will follow anyway
GwaihirValar: aye
VardaValar1: AIM includes the Pidgin and
Trillian versions of AIM use.
VardaValar1: This is a vote between AIM
and its versions vs free to play LotRO for meetings.
karakedi25: so aye (reluctantly)
VardaValar1: Indis, do you really want
them to go to LotRO?
VardaValar1: Do you feel we could handle
all the distractions and have a true meeting?
karakedi25: I would love to go to LotRO, but I see its great
VardaValar1: Would you like to help relay
AIM meeting info to LotRO?
TulkasValar61: perhaps in time we can
revisit the issue
karakedi25: I don't mind doing it.
karakedi25: I'm also aware that if the suggestion were to go to
WoW, I'd resist it.
Eonwe Valar: I'd resist it no matter what
game it is. The reasons we moved to AIM in the first place were pretty
AriehnV: so what point is there
discussing that further right now? the matter has been decided
VardaValar1: AIM is decided for now.
VardaValar1: I would like to see people
use the Forum more, from all groups, adding to the Tolkien threads.
VardaValar1: No one in LotRO responded to
the vote request.
karakedi25: TBH, I don't think most of them think of themselves as
members of a guild that goes beyond a lotro kinship.
Eonwe Valar: Which is a shame in and of
karakedi25: It is, but that's my impression.
VardaValar1: Do you feel you are in one
beyond the game, Indis?
VardaValar1: I'm not seeing activity in
any direction in the guild on the Tolkien Site. This is the slowest it's
been in years.
karakedi25: yes, because I come to meetings
karakedi25: and have made some contributions to the site, plus the
VardaValar1: This is a Tolkien Fan Club
and Gamers group, not just a Gamers group.
Eonwe Valar: Aye.
Eonwe Valar: Most emphatically, hehe :}
VardaValar1: So you have shown how a
person can be in the guild in more than one way. : )
AriehnV: and i ;-) and
Pharzi who has contributed to the guildsite and the roleplay as well
AriehnV: and everyone else who did
that i forgot
fladrifv: for my part I would like live role plays :-)
ArPharazonV: Heh. But not much performance game-wise, when it comes
to this Guild.
ah well .. guess we're beyond that now unless
we make common efforts so we stand a chance :-)
AriehnV: but i know ur very busy and
have preferences in gameplay which are not necessarily mine
AriehnV: but for all our differences
we have the common interest and chat in here which llinks us
VardaValar1: You do some pretty cool ent
rp live, Flad. : )
VardaValar1: Aye, Arien.
AriehnV: hmm could there be still
ents in Mirkwood or only Huorns?
AriehnV: wondering if Flad would give
an appearance hehe
AriehnV: sorry diverting
VardaValar1: Tulkas? You're running GS
during the meeting? I'm afraid my tank is not able to do that much
karakedi25: harder for a tank to be distracted
karakedi25: hunter can go on autoattack and pew-pew away from time
to time
VardaValar1: If my dps is shooting
indiscriminately, I may boot him. : )
VardaValar1: Ok, going to run through the
rest of the business meeting rather quickly.
VardaValar1: We have a very cool link to a
web movie, pre-LotR, sent in by Eomer, called Born of Hope.
VardaValar1: Give yourself a little time to watch this. It's not quick
and it's high quality.
has left the room.
VardaValar1 has entered the room.
Eonwe Valar: Welcome back :}
Menelvagor Valar
has entered the room.
VardaValar1: Thanks :-)
Valar: Aiya!
VardaValar1: I seem to have hit something
wrong when trying to pick up the link.
VardaValar1: Aiya Menelvagor. : )
VardaValar1: Did the link get across for
the movie, Born of Hope?
ArPharazonV: Aiyata Varda :-) And Aiya Menel
Menelvagor Valar: it's a sad, sad day.
VardaValar1: You Netherlanders got a very
long way though!
VardaValar1: Eonwe had some general
news. Go ahead Eonwe.
Eonwe Valar: Thanks.
ArPharazonV: Would you rather have lost to Germany instead, Menel?
Menelvagor Valar: we would have won then :-)
ArPharazonV: sure we would!
Menelvagor Valar: we would've.
Eonwe Valar: This week, Blizzard both
announced and recanted their decision to integrate their RealID feature
into the Fora.
GwaihirValar: thank goodness
Valar: a shame.
ArPharazonV: ah, they took it back?
Eonwe Valar: I, aye obviously Gwaihir, are
quite pleased about the latter decision.
VardaValar1: That was fast. Did they say
Eonwe Valar: :}
ArPharazonV: Can't say I blame 'em. They got a lot of criticism.
GwaihirValar: there was a 3500 page thread
on their forums complaining
GwaihirValar: in 3 days
Eonwe Valar: Because enough people voiced
their concerns, I'd say.
GwaihirValar: and another 1200 on the bnet
Eonwe Valar: For those who don't know,...
Valar: over
10.000 forum users protesting.
GwaihirValar: I think 4700 pages of
complaints is enough to change their mind ;-)
VardaValar1: Impressive.
ArPharazonV: I heard about a blizzard employee who posted his real
name to show that he endorsed the decision.. and within minutes people
had tracked down his address
and phone number
ArPharazonV: makes you think, doesn't it?
Eonwe Valar: RealID (in the games) is a
system that shows your real first and last name to anyone on your
friends list, and anyone on your friends' friends
VardaValar1: And he didn't expect that?
GwaihirValar: not at all surprising since
they already knew his country and subregion...
VardaValar1: Facebook is bad about that
ArPharazonV: He did not, no. Apparently he thought it would be
VardaValar1: Then it was an excellent
GwaihirValar: blizz developers names are
already known anyways though they're already in the gamefiles....
GwaihirValar: the people may have already
HAD that info
GwaihirValar: years ago
Eonwe Valar: The wanted to include it in
their forua such that anyone who posted would be forced to display their
real first and last name in their forum
ArPharazonV: Well, still.
Menelvagor Valar: not necessarily the forum
moderators though.
GwaihirValar: yep their names are all
known too, they get credit
Eonwe Valar: *forua = fora
GwaihirValar: every blizzard employee's
name is credited in some way
VardaValar1: Did they say why they wanted
real names of children posted?
Valar: to be
honest, I think it would be a powerful deterrent for people to act like
beeping beeps.
GwaihirValar: I think they'll go with a
persistent username, which will be much the same
VardaValar1: Cut being anonymous.
Eonwe Valar: In theory, parents would've
disabled the child's account from posting on the Forum.
VardaValar1: Like, Gwaihir is a
persistent username. : )
GwaihirValar: one that the user chooses
the first time they post and cannot change, I mean
VardaValar1: Makes sense.
Eonwe Valar: I don't believe it would've
deterred anyone at all, Menel. Alot of people who are jerks are going to
be jerks simply because they don't have to
look the person in the eye.
Valar: Still,
there's nothing from stopping Blizz from sending a flamer or troll a
personalized letter they should stop it :-P
ArPharazonV: ..Yes. Like a mean letter is going to impress them.
Eonwe Valar: The only people deterred
would've been peoplem like me, who don't want their real name plastered
everywhere just because someone else
thinks it's a good idea.
VardaValar1: With a warning that they are
on the fast track to being banned from the forum.
GwaihirValar: They can do that anyways
though, by just sending an e-mail to the bnet account associated with it
VardaValar1: Aye
Valar: well, it's
not the diehard idiots that matter anyways.
Eonwe Valar: Aye, Blizzard CMs can see
the account name already. This wasn't for the CMs.
Valar: it's the
wannabe idiots that give the diehards their righteousness and power.
Valar: stop the
wannabes, and you stop the diehards.... mostly.
Eonwe Valar: Compromising someone else's
security for a false sense of forum cohesiveness was a poor idea in the
first place.
Valar: I do agree
on that.
AriehnV: hmm so whats going to happen
anyway? with those who shared real id in game all ready? and by the way
if somebody wants to compromise
and account he ll sure find some way
Valar: the
reasons may have been wrong, but in my opinion, as much as I dislike the
idea, are right.
Eonwe Valar: The RealID in game is still
Eonwe Valar: It's just not coming to the
GwaihirValar: yep
GwaihirValar: because in game isn't
GwaihirValar: its 100% consented
Eonwe Valar: At least not in the foolish
(putting it nicely) manner in which they had intended to bring it.
Valar: except
that most people who are going to use that feature have no idea what
they are really signing up for.
Valar: on the
other hand, it serves them right.
ArPharazonV: There was a bug that allowed an addon to trace your
RealID, even if you did not consent to it, I think.
Eonwe Valar: I've heard something about
that, Phar.
ArPharazonV: I and some comm-friends disabled RealID in all, using
the Parental Controls, so I think we're safe.
Menelvagor Valar: And a belatedly excuse me for
my language.
Valar: One is
never as safe as one believes to be.
ArPharazonV: Well, relatively safe.
Menelvagor Valar: aye,
ArPharazonV: I'm not using RealID in any way now, nor could I
unless I changed it back in PC.
GwaihirValar: I really like the real ID in
game, it lets me keep in touch with my brother on another server. Very
Eonwe Valar: I have no intention of
making use of RealID.
Valar: but even
without the realid, a malevolent would be able to find out exactly who
you are, where you live, and everything else you wouldn't
want him to know.
Eonwe Valar: I know the character names
of real life friends, and I can text/call them if I want to.
ArPharazonV: Oh, probably. But there's always risks involved.
ArPharazonV: The moment you step out your door you get the risk of
getting shot through the head or getting hit by a car. Theoretically.
Menelvagor Valar: the internet, in any form, is
the biggest security leak in the world.
Eonwe Valar: You can also make decisions
to reduce that risk, Phar. Theoretically.
Eonwe Valar: The only winning decision
for RealID on the fora was not to play, to paraphrase the movie
Valar: Anyways, I
would suggest we get back to the matter at hand, not wild speculation
of what may and may not come to pass.
Valar: most of it
is a matter of personal opinion regardless.
Eonwe Valar: Anyway, the point is that
Blizzard recanted, and so some small portion of our privacy is safe for
another few hours.
ArPharazonV: And I've already reduced the risk by disabling RealID,
Eonwe ;-)
ArPharazonV: But as Menel said, the risk's still there, and will
remain so.
Eonwe Valar: In other news, Blizzard has
announced some big changes to their Mastery plans.
GwaihirValar: huge.
Eonwe Valar: As well as some major
changes to the Talent trees.
ArPharazonV: Gigantic.
Eonwe Valar: For the sake of expediency, I
point to the Games Page News for links.
Eonwe Valar:
VardaValar1: So, are we about to have WoW 2 without calling it that?
GwaihirValar: not exactly
Eonwe Valar: The Twilight Highlands has
also been previewed. I'll have a link up on the Games Site news as soon
as I can.
VardaValar1: Thanks
Eonwe Valar: That *should* be it for
general WoW news.
VardaValar1: Thanks, Eonwe. : )
ArPharazonV: Hmm, there's some bits...
VardaValar1: Fladrif has some news too.
VardaValar1: I'd like to let him have the
stage for a special thing that recently occurred. : )
ArPharazonV: There's previews on Hyjal and Stonetalon in Cataclysm
too, that I've seen on Incgamers.
ArPharazonV: Want me to link them?
Eonwe Valar: Let Fladrif have the floor
right now. We can get the links at the end of gaming :}
ArPharazonV: Okidoki.
fladrifv: hoom boom boom
ArPharazonV: It's awake!
fladrifv: yes king of numenor
fladrifv: a tree never sleeps, be on your guards in the forest
fladrifv: specially you
VardaValar1: Never? Well hardly ever.
fladrifv: hehe
fladrifv: we had an interesting event in
GwaihirValar: time to go make dinner, was
fun talking to everyone. Take care.
VardaValar1: Bon appetit and hi to
fladrifv: namarie gwai
GwaihirValar has left the room.
after being 1 year in sl
fladrifv: there is the common rezzdayparty
fladrifv: it happened I found a twin so we organised it together
fladrifv: theme use your imagination....
fladrifv: seldomly seen so many strainge fantasy creatures in one
Menelvagor Valar: SL?
fladrifv: oh sorry
fladrifv: Second Life
Menelvagor Valar: ah :-)
fladrifv: very open world with basically no limitation
fladrifv: s
fladrifv: and the final round of the chess tournament started
VardaValar1: What were a few of the
fantasy creatures they built?
fladrifv: dragon trees
fladrifv: elves with tails
fladrifv: one eyed goblins
hmm dragon treez lol sounds intriguing
fladrifv: creatures that do not even exist in a fantasy world
ArPharazonV: elves with tails...
ArPharazonV: a bit like draenei, perhaps?
fladrifv: hard to explain ill find some screenshots
fladrifv: 12 games now to win for the chess championship
VardaValar1: Avatar? :-)
fladrifv: *with that said he walks of stage*
fladrifv: (yes some where navi too)
VardaValar1: hehe
VardaValar1: Thank you, Flad. A few
screenies for the Games page for Eonwe to pick through might be cool.
fladrifv: I will arange that
VardaValar1: Do we have any further
business? Comments? Suggestions?
ArPharazonV: Want those links I mentioned?
VardaValar1: Yes, please, and thanks!
AriehnV: hey
AriehnV: cool still here
ArPharazonV: Allright, Cataclysm spoilers, with zone-maps!
ArPharazonV: for Hyjal
ArPharazonV: for Stonetalon
ArPharazonV: bit of a walk through
the 2 zones, with a zone-map, descriptions, and screenshots including
some characters that will feature
karakedi25: (going afk to feed cats etc.)
ArPharazonV: as well as comparing (in Stonetalon's case) the old
and new versions, also mentioning what used to be there
ArPharazonV: So if you're interested, take a look :-)
VardaValar1: Thank you, we most probably
will check those out.
VardaValar1: Do we have anything else to
mention in business?
Valar: I have one
minor thing :-)
VardaValar1: Go ahead.
Valar: Lately,
I've taken up on playing MOO 3 (
Master of Orion) again, and as it has a
multi-player function, if anyone feels up for playing that.
feel free to drop me a line :-)
ArPharazonV: ....Moo?
Menelvagor Valar: see brackets :-P
ArPharazonV: yes, but still... moo...
ArPharazonV: *shrugs and wanders off*
Menelvagor Valar: WoW!
Valar: *shrugs
and wanders off*
ArPharazonV: yes, that's not a very pretty one either, but we've
gotten used to it
ArPharazonV: at least WoW makes fun of moo
karakedi25: back
Menelvagor Valar: Cowabunga!
VardaValar1: We have been to the secret
cow level, aye.
ArPharazonV: Thunderbluff is the cow level
VardaValar1: Now taking suggestions for a
Tolkien topic.
VardaValar1: Go Taurens!
VardaValar1: Menelvagor has a topic, Go
ahead, Menel.
Valar: It's a
topic from the Silmarillion, one that has had a major influence in the
history of Middle Earth.
VardaValar1: Everyone here is familiar
with the Sil, so this topic should be fine.
Valar: The
question is: How did the Doom of the Children of Húrin affect the Doom
of the Noldor? (and possibly vice versa?)
Valar: Now, we
all know that the Noldor re-entered Beleriand before the coming of men,
and the first of the wars of the Noldor against
Morgoth was backed up by several houses of Men just come out of the
East, most notably that of Hador Goldenhead.
Valar: Húrin,
grandson of Hador (I think) was, among men, one of the most strongest
and most fervent supporters of the Edain.
Valar: Húrin,
along with Húor, his brother, covered the retreat of Turgon and the
Gondolindrim from the field of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Valar: His
valiant efforts, along with that of his brother and his people earned
him the ire of Morgoth, who still thought of Turgon the most
feared of his enemies.
Valar: Now, how
does this stand with the Doom of the Noldor?
Valar: In his
travels, Túrin came upon Doriath, but eventually (skipping a lot of
story here) fled, due to a misconception about Dárion the
Minstrel (I think that was his name, could be wrong).
Eonwe Valar: Turin's connection to
Nargothrond's fall is quite stark.
Valar: Aye.
VardaValar1: Hurin's stand prevented the
discovery at that time of the secret home of Turgon's people, Gondolin.
VardaValar1: The eventual tricking of
Hurin into revealing Gondolin does not change that he allowed it a long
time of peace first.
Valar: Also, part
of the Doom of Húrin's children was the fall of Dór Lomin, which made
his nephew, Túor, raised by Elves in hidden caves
eventually turn up in Nevrast, where he encountered Ulmo.
Valar: And still,
all Húrin revealed of Gondolin was a general location.
VardaValar1: True.
Valar: it was not
until Maeglin's treachery that the true location was revealed.
VardaValar1: Aye.
Valar: But still,
it was only near the end of the Noldorin campaign against Morgoth that
Húrin was involved.
karakedi25: Of course through Tuor came Earendil, who brought
about the ultimate pardon of the Noldor after the War of Wrath.
Menelvagor Valar: Aye!
Valar: But the
pardon of the Noldor was not their doom though.
Valar: If I
recall correctly, the Doom of the Noldor was basically that in the end,
though their intentions were good, their actions would
eventually result in woe.
VardaValar1: True. That was how the Valar
got around the problem of the Doom.
VardaValar1: That even happened to
Valar: Finrod
Felagund, master of Nargothrond.
Valar: Who
traveled with Túrin and was captured by Sauron if I recall correctly.
karakedi25: Earendil affected the Doom by being the instrument of
its end.
Menelvagor Valar: Aye, though it was not a
direct result of the Doom of the Children of Húrin.
VardaValar1: Finrod lost the song battle
with Sauron when Sauron brought up the Kinslaying, for one thing. And
lost his kingdom and life.
Valar: Yet he
gave his life to save Túrin, if memory serves.
Eonwe Valar: Beren
ArPharazonV: Beren, I think?
Menelvagor Valar: memory might be a bit
erroneous :-P
VardaValar1: Aye, Beren.
Valar: Right.
Valar: Still, it
only means that the only direct connection between the dooms of Húrin
and the Noldor was in Nargothrond.
Valar: But it
still reveals a weakness of Morgoth, in which the Noldor would be able
to delay their Doom in my opinion.
ArPharazonV: I'm trying to remember if there was any link between
the doom of Hurin and the fall of Doriath (which there was, I think..
Hurin brought the treasure?) but then
again Doriath wasn't Noldor.
Menelvagor Valar: Aye, Pharzie.
VardaValar1: The original question was
how the Doom of the Children of Hurin interacted with the Doom of the
Noldor. So maybe one question is who
were the Children of Hurin?
karakedi25: Hurin and Turin spread joy wherever they went.
VardaValar1: We kind of got into a
discussion of Hurin.
VardaValar1: lol Indis
ArPharazonV: Hurin and Turin did more to the benefit of Morgoth
than any Orc ;-)
Eonwe Valar: They also did more to the
hurt of Morgoth than most Elves, hehe.
Valar: Túrin was
always loved and revered when he first arrived and stayed for a while,
but in the end, Túring brought more woe upon the
Eldar than the kinslaying did (well, as much at least).
karakedi25: In terms of interaction, the Doom of Hurin and his
children would probably not have existed if it were not for the Noldor
and their Doom. After all, allies of the
Noldor were also affected by the wrong turnings and betrayals.
Eonwe Valar: True.
Valar: Aye.
Valar: but the
original question was of the other way :-)
Eonwe Valar: To an extent at least. I
think Hurin would've wound up pretty high on Morgoth's hit list, curse
or no.
Valar: I agree.
AriehnV: My Excuses ladies and gents
.. i was wondering why i got yawning so much until my rays fell upon the
branch of the Ent
AriehnV: or rather the shadow that it
VardaValar1: Tis late for you. Or early,
depending on how one looks at it.
VardaValar1: Rest well!
Valar: late, only
just past 12, GMT :-D
fladrifv: rest well arien
Eonwe Valar: One does not stay up late.
Nor does one go to bed early. One sleeps precisely when one means to :}
VardaValar1: /keyboard face
AriehnV: and you too, Valarites :-)
Namarie for now :-D
Eonwe Valar: Sleep well Arien :}
AriehnV: Be well and stay in my light
fladrifv: may you shine on the world soon again
AriehnV has left the room.
ArPharazonV: Namar... too late
VardaValar1: She can see it in the
transcript. :-)
karakedi25: In that case, namarie Arien :-)
ArPharazonV: I guess that's true.
ArPharazonV: Namarie Arien!
Menelvagor Valar: Namarie Arien!
Valar: If you
would allow me, I have a theory to my own question ^^
VardaValar1: The children of Hurin were
Turin, Nienor, and Lalaith.
VardaValar1: Fire away, Menel. :-)
Valar: In so far
as that the Noldor affect Húrin, that is clear, as Húrin's (sorry for
abbreviating to just names) would not have come to pass
without the Noldor's.
Valar: But the
other way around is more obscure.
Valar: The only
real connection is that of the Fall of Nargothrond.
Valar: However,
Túrin, while serving as a Marsh Warden of Doriath kept the river Sirion
relatively clear of Orcs and other spawn of Morgoth.
Eonwe Valar: "March Warden" I believe you
mean :}
Valar: Thereby
earning respite for both Turgon of Gondolin, as well as Nargothrond and
the havens of Círdan the Shipwright.
Valar: sorry :-)
Valar: Also, when
among the people of Haleth, he was always an ardent hunter of all Orc
parties, waylaying them whenever he could, much to
the ire of their leader, but still earning some respite for the Noldor.
Valar: For in
that time, the Orcs roamed free for most parts, except around the
Echoríath, where the Gondolindrim held their vigil, and the
strongholds of the Elves
Valar: Also,
Hurin's doom meant the wounding of Glaurung, father of Dragons, even if
it was in response to the slaying of Finduilas, Túrin's
love among the Nargothrondians (sp?).
Valar: So it
seems to me that Húrin's doom ties in with that of the Noldor in three
ways. One obvious, and 2, less so.
Valar: The first
we already discussed: Nargothrond and its fall.
VardaValar1: More than mere wounding.
Valar: The
second, is that of what the doom of the Noldor entailed.
Valar: Túrin,
although with the best intentions, in the end, only brought woe upon
those he visited, not least of those his own sister, and his
best friend, Beleg Strongbow.
Valar: The third
one, is even less obvious.
Valar: Since,
even though Túrin's efforts were valiant, and gave respite to many
Noldorin people, in the end his efforts came to naught.
Valar: Yet, the
respite he bought with his woe was eventually part of the pardon of the
Valar: Even if
not directly, Túrin managed to hold the lines on many borders to allow
others to slip through Morgoth's nets, not least of which
was Voronwë and Tuor.
Valar: that's it
for my theory :-)
Valar: any
VardaValar1: Galdor was another hurt by
VardaValar1: Currently trying to help
Galdor-V enter the chat. :-) He's Galdorandwe, can anyone
see him?
Eonwe Valar: Not in here.
ArPharazonV: Galdorandwe, I'll add him
VardaValar1: I mean online, not in here.
Still trying to get him in.
Eonwe Valar: Got him in my buddy list
now. Looks like I can see him.
ArPharazonV: he's online now
ArPharazonV: you inviting, Eonwe?
Menelvagor Valar: I tried inviting, but it
gives me an error message.
Eonwe Valar: I'd assumed one was already
VardaValar1: The Group Chat option is not
even showing on his name to me.
ArPharazonV: "The Chat invitation cannot be sent to the following
person because his or her software does not support this feature or the
person is not accepting chat
Menelvagor Valar: Hmm... I didn't think of
Galdor in this discussion Varda.
Valar: That's
another direct influence.
Valar: For Galdor
also loved Finduilas.
Eonwe Valar: That's Gwindor Menel :}
Valar: gaaah.. :-P
Valar: dang my
has entered the room.
ArPharazonV: Aiya!
Eonwe Valar: Heya Galdor :}
Valar: Aiya
galdorandwe: took me literally 2
hours ot figure this out, LOL.
karakedi25: Aiya Galdor :-)
Eonwe Valar: You're in now, and that's
what matters :}
galdorandwe: well, in between making
dinner and eating. :-)
Valar: Aye :-)
VardaValar1: But you made it!
Valar: We're
currently discussing how and if the Doom of the Children of Húrin
affected the Doom of the Noldor :-)
galdorandwe: can you all get me caught up
on what's transpired with the Children of Hurin topic?
Valar: well, so
far we have several things.
VardaValar1: Galdor was the father of
Hurin and Huor.
Valar: 1) direct
influence: Nargothrond.
VardaValar1: We have an hour of
discussion to catch you up on. :-)
Valar: 2) minor
influence: same end result: woe.
Valar: 3)
indirect influence: Túrin's (and Húrin's) efforts assisting in what
eventually became the War of Wrath and the pardon of the Noldor.
Valar: in a
nutshell that is :-)
VardaValar1: Destruction of the remnant
of the Petty Dwarves on the side.
Valar: Aye :-)
Valar: Galdor, if
you have anything to say on the matter, feel free to, all input is good
galdorandwe: I seem to recall Hurin's
cries giving away gto location of Gondolin ot Morgoth's servents after
his imprisonment...has anyone toughed upon
Valar: slightly :-)
Valar: we also
commented that it was only a general location.
Valar: it was not
until Maeglin's treachery that the true location was revealed.
galdorandwe: sorry, my typing skills are
full of holes...I make spelling errors constantly, LOL
Valar: no worries
ArPharazonV: Practice is usually enough, and everyone makes
mistakes now and then :-)
Menelvagor Valar: even Pharzie does :-)
ArPharazonV: Of course! I just try to catch them before I hit
enter, but even that is a guarantee.
ArPharazonV: *not a guarantee
ArPharazonV: Hah. Speak of the devil.
Menelvagor Valar: and he's as perfect as you
can imagine a dead (or hibernating) person to be :-)
Valar: when it
comes to Tolkien topics anyways.
Valar: grammatically...
that's a different issue *winks at Pharzie*
ArPharazonV: hehe
ArPharazonV: Well, you know. A king needs to know a bit about his
people's history. ...And their future, apparently.
Menelvagor Valar: Say, Galdor, may I ask you
galdorandwe: sure.
Valar: Well, I am
a notoriously bad readed of news and email and such, so I was
wondering, how'd you manage to find us? :-)
galdorandwe: I was looking up images of
the Valar on Google and believe it or not, your site was one of the
first ones to pop up. I checked it out and was
impressed at the member's admiration of Tolkein and his works. I never
knew as many people out there like his works as much as i did...I know
must come across as a bit cheezy, but it's the truth. The rest, as the
say, is history. After a few e-mails with Varda, a few days to get the
software, and 2 days to download everything, I was in my own little
Middle earth advanture...LOL.
VardaValar1: He's leveling fast in
Middle-earth, took to it very well. :-)
Eonwe Valar: :}
galdorandwe: The Geeks shall inherit
Middle earth, right :-)
Valar: Not cheesy
at all Galdor :-)
VardaValar1: If not the geeks, then the
munchers of pie.
Valar: I remember
much the same, although what I found was the old Google discussion
board :-)
VardaValar1: We used to get most of our
members coming in from the web site. Hasn't been true lately, so you've
gone back to the traditional way!
Valar: Gogo
Valar: Now, this
may really sound cheesy... but still...
Valar: Welcome
home! :-)
Valar: Have you
met many of the valarites yet?
galdorandwe: Are they back-up singers,
like the Ikettes?
Valar: hehe.
Valar: Valarites
are the members of the Valar Guild :-)
galdorandwe: Here's a question: My memory
is a little fuzzy, so help me out. Is there something in this whole
topic about
Turin, a curse and his sword
having a conversation with him about it?
Eonwe Valar: It happened after he slew
Brandir and found out he had married his sister.
Valar: Hmm... it
might have an impact on it, I haven't heard that one yet :-D
Eonwe Valar: It was part of his Doom, not
sure it would've really been related to or impact upon the Doom of the
Valar: Aye, but
how does that tie in with the Doom of the Noldor?
galdorandwe: The dragon he slew was the
same one that sacked Nargothrond, yes?
Eonwe Valar: Aye, Glaurung.
VardaValar1: Glaurung, right.
Valar: Glauring,
father of Dragons, aye.
VardaValar1: The curse was laid on
Hurin's family by Morgoth.
Valar: auch... a
bit out of my league.
VardaValar1: The sword, made by Eol the
Dark Elf, could and did talk a few times, and was angry at Turin for
having been used to kill Beleg (by accident).
Valar: I don't
play much, my highest is a lvl 35 hunter called Menelmacare.
VardaValar1: The sword was Anglachel.
Valar: whoops...
wrong chat :-P
ArPharazonV: I think I'll be off to bed now, gonna send and save
Eonwe Valar: Sleep well Phar.
galdorandwe: good night.
Valar: Namarie
Pharzie... don't forget the RP ^^
Valar: Say,
Galdor, and sorry for the change of subject, but do you happen to RP?
VardaValar1: Good night, Phar!
VardaValar1: RP is Role-play
VardaValar1: Play more, Menel. ;-)
Valar: I
should... still can't say goodbye to my Druid though.
Valar: I love
tanking too much :-P
VardaValar1: Don't have to.
ArPharazonV (7:32:05 PM): | saved |
VardaValar1 (7:32:29 PM): | Thank you,
Golden One.  |
Menelvagor Valar (7:32:31 PM): | LotRO
seemed to agree with me, when the Red Maiden tried to kill me pretty
much all the time when I was in Garth Agarwen the other day  |
Menelvagor Valar (7:32:59 PM): | Thank
you, oh Sleepy One *grin* |
ArPharazonV (7:34:17 PM): | and sent |
Menelvagor Valar (7:34:23 PM): | welcome
back  |
ArPharazonV (7:34:25 PM): | so, Namarie all! |
Menelvagor Valar (7:34:31 PM): | And
Namarie once more  |
ArPharazonV (7:34:31 PM): | See you next week. |
VardaValar1 (7:34:38 PM): | Moving to:
VardaValar1 (7:34:42 PM): | After-meeting! |
VardaValar1 (7:34:45 PM): | Free chat. |
Menelvagor Valar (7:34:52 PM): | weeee.
 |
VardaValar1 (7:34:56 PM): | Next week then.
 |
galdorandwe (7:35:20 PM): | Well, this has
been a nice introduction to the whole meeting thing. Thanks everyone. |
Menelvagor Valar (7:35:32 PM): | No
problem Galdor. |
Menelvagor Valar (7:35:40 PM): | Always
happy to make a new member feel welcome. |
Eonwe Valar (7:35:55 PM): | Glad you could
make it in, Galdor :} |
Menelvagor Valar (7:36:16 PM): | Aye
 |
VardaValar1 (7:37:58 PM): | I need to do
some family stuff for a bit, but this AIM chat can be left up all week
if you like, or you can close it at any time. |
VardaValar1 (7:38:18 PM): | See you folks
later! |
Eonwe Valar (7:38:24 PM): | Take care Varda
:} |
Menelvagor Valar (7:38:33 PM): | Depending
on how long I keep my comp on without restarting, this chat could be up
for a long, long time... Eonwe can attest  |
VardaValar1 (7:38:37 PM): | hehe |
Eonwe Valar (7:38:42 PM): | :} |
VardaValar1 (7:38:42 PM): | Namarie for
now! |
Menelvagor Valar (7:38:52 PM): | Namarie
Varda. |
VardaValar1 (7:38:58 PM): | *drifts off
into the aether* |
Menelvagor Valar (7:38:59 PM): | Give
the tree a big hug for me. |
VardaValar1 (7:39:05 PM): | I would if I
could! |
galdorandwe (7:39:05 PM): | I'll be
completing quests in Evendim shortly....good night. |
Menelvagor Valar (7:39:19 PM): | as
well as the Evil guy, the nice lady, the Hobbit, and any others attached
to any of those  |
VardaValar1 (7:39:21 PM): | Timbridhil was
deeding over there. |
VardaValar1 (7:39:26 PM): | hehe |
VardaValar1 (7:39:30 PM): | bye really now.
 |
Eonwe Valar (7:39:37 PM): | :} |
VardaValar1 (11:21:44 PM): | Good night,
gentle sirs. |