Arathorn's Sonnet

by Alawa
September 21, 2003

I did not know how fast my tongue was tied
To duty's post, until you loosed the chain.
Constrained so long to speak of aught allied
To shadow, orphaned child and widow's pain,
It lost all power to move beyond those bounds,
So now 'tis dumb to tell of what I feel:
Of friendship, wit, ardour, soft voice that sounds
As morning larkrise, wonder, sheen of steel,
Fain and silken skin and secret look,
Starlit eyes, inviting hips and waist,
Laughter, loving hands, and joy that took
My breath away.  Now does it yearn to taste
Not tell of your rich loveliness, search out all ways
To feast upon your bounty, sing your praise.

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