All the Wrong Notes

by Jay of Lasgalen  

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Elladan winced at the sound of the fractured music limping haltingly from his youngest brother’s bedroom.  Peering around the half open door, he saw Estel sitting before Lindir’s great harp, his fingers – still too short – stumbling over the notes as he fumbled awkwardly for the gleaming strings.

“What are you playing?”  he asked cautiously.

Estel looked up.  “The Lay of Thingol and Melian,”  he replied.

Elladan’s eyebrows rose.  “Really?  You seem to be playing all the wrong notes,”  he pointed out delicately.

Estel flushed.  “I’m playing all the right notes,”  he insisted.  “Just … not necessarily in the right order.”


Author's Note:   
The last line is not mine. It was originally said by the late, great, Eric Morecambe. 
