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The Healer's Path

Chapter Three: On the Naming of Things

by Jay of Lasgalen
April 10, 2011

 Estel completes the first stage of his training as a healer.

Abandoning his own work, Elrohir listened unashamedly as Estel was drilled by their father on the naming and uses of medicinal herbs. 

“And this is Athelas,” Estel explained.  “Also asëa aranion, or kingsfoil.  Steeped in water it is used to bathe wounds."

Elrond nodded.  “Well done, Estel.  You have completed the first level of your apprenticeship.  Congratulations!”  He gave Estel a small embroidered leaf, symbol of his new rank.

Estel turned, grinning triumphantly, but then his face fell.  He gestured at the sheaf of leaves embroidered on Elrohir’s cloak.  “Oh, but I still have such a long way to go!”
