Haleth-(V)'s Author's Notes:

    I played fast and loose with what Tolkien wrote, adding a host of new characters. In fact, the only characters that actually appeared in the Silmarillion were Haldad, Haldar, Haleth, and Haldar’s son Haldan. Mareth Haldar’s daughter never existed, and there certainly was no mention of Haldar or Haldad’s wife, although they did have to exist. Malron, Gelvar, Arion, Bríani, Cullan, and Kellan were characters I made up.
    Dates were a bit unclear. I had no idea how old Haleth was when Haldad died and she became the leader, and neither do I know when Haldar’s child(ren) were born.
    I also added some customs that were never mentioned, as far as I know, in any of the books. The blood-oath is hardly an original idea; it has been existing in other books for years, but Tolkien probably never used it. Naming-right is something else I added.
    As the books I read never mentioned what kind of a society the Haladin had, I created a warrior society, where warriors were revered and male. Women were not inferior in Haleth’s Song, but they did have their “place” in society and that was not beside warriors in battle. Although it is doubtful that the Haladin had a “lady’s bower,” I added one for the sake of the story.
    I did borrow a few ideas from other sources. In Unfinished Tales (page 393), Haleth had a “picked bodyguard of women,” and one of the Haladin’s strange practices was that many of their warriors were women. I tweaked that idea as well, making her bodyguard part of the warriors. However, in Haleth’s Song, the Haladin did not allow women to fight until Haleth did.
    The standards were both fictitious, but Haldad’s name had evidently meant “watchdog,” at least according to The War of the Jewels, which is why the hound was on one banner.
    Includes character deaths, some violence.

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