Women of Middle-earth: The Edain

Tales of the Haladin: Haleth

Haleth's Song

by Haleth-(V)
May 9, 2005
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Overture: The Making of a Song

    To wait, to watch, but not to aid: that is what my fate was to have been.
    To wed, to bear children, and then to watch them fight, while I shrank from battle, and cowered behind walls: that is what my fate would have been, had I not rebelled.
    They sought, my people did, to keep me bound and behind bars, to not seek glory for myself, and only to stay in a golden cage.
    But I broke free, and though I have suffered through pain and sorrow, in the end, I would not have taken back a single moment of my life.
    It is I, Haleth, daughter of Haldad and leader of the Haladin, who tells this tale, a tale of pain and sorrow, but also a tale of glory and of renown. And though I am mortal, and my life span is but the blink of an eye to the Eldar, my name will live on forever in songs and tales, and I will have what I have always wanted.

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